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BEEP BEEP BEEP..... Went my alarm clock. Jumping out of bed I looked into the mirror and was greeted with a blonde mop on top of my head, but regardless today is a very important day today. I headed to the bathroom and turned on the shower so the cold water could run out while I stripped myself of my clothes. When the water got warm, I hopped in and allow the steam from the hot water swallowed me up. After about 20 minutes, I hopped out of the shower and wrapped myself in my favorite purple towel that is soft like a teddy bear. Looking in the mirror, I admired the cherry cheek 18 year old that is staring back at me. I am so proud of how far I had come after all this time. Smiling at my reflection for the last time, I made my way to my room and started to pick out my outfit for this special day. After what seems like an eternity of digging through my closet, I got out my favorite purple crop top with the word 'mate' written on it in white, a black skinny jeans and my all-time favorite white timberland with gold laces.

I thought the smile on my face would last for the entire day because this day was supposed to be special. A day that I should feel like a queen but all that was taken away when I realized what day it actually was. If you still don't get the reason why I am dressed in my favorite clothes and been looking in the mirror every 2 minutes just to smile at myself, it's because today is my birthday which results in me reaching the age of being legal but most importantly it's the day that I will find my mate.

Again I know that you might be wondering what a 'mate' is but you will find out later on. However, the reason why my smiles and happy mood went from 100% to 0% fast is because today is also 'HIS' birthday. And by saying 'his' I meant today is also the devil's identical twin birthday. And by the devil's identical twin, I mean Ethan Evans, the hottest yet worst bully ever. We were born on the same day and same year which simply means that he is also turning today 18 today and also will be paired with a mate. He has been bullying me since preschool and I can't wait to see which girl will be the soul mate to that asshole.

Looking at the clock on my bedside table I noticed that if I continue to stand here and think about 100 different ways that I could kill Ethan then I will be late for school. I pushed all of the deadly thoughts to the back of my head and headed downstairs. I stood dumbfounded when I didn't see neither mom nor dad who is supposed to be here to wish me happy birthday. A yellow sticky note was attached to the refrigerator that had mom handwriting and I went and grabbed it.

Dear Isabell,

Dad and I had to go to the pack house for some business and and we didn't want to wake you. Breakfast is in the microwave and your birthday gift is outside.

Love mom.

I threw the note in the trash with a sigh and open the microwave like I had all the time in the world to spare. Popping it open I saw a tower of pancakes screaming my name. I took it out and placed it on the island then grabbed the pancake syrup before drowning my poor pancakes. Every bite tasted like heaven which reminds me why my mother is the world's best cook the reason why I feel as if I am on cloud nine.

Gobbling down the rest of my delicious breakfast quickly, I placed the dish in the sink and ran to the door. Opening the door, I was immediately greeted with kisses from the cool morning breeze. I closed the door behind me and threw my keys in my pocket then started to make my way down the porch stairs. I stopped right in my tracks when I saw the beautiful master piece in front of me. It was love at first sight. My knees felt like jellies when I took in the red mustang sitting in the drive way waiting to be touched. I walked towards the car with a priceless expression and grabbed the keys that was carefully placed on the bonnet of my new baby. I took the bow off and went inside the car kissing the steering wheel like a homeless guy who got a pair of new shoes.

Without wasting another minute, I reversed out of my drive way and started my journey to school.

With 3 minutes to spare before the bell rang to signal that the school will begin, I drove through the gates of the school and parked 'Dream' in a free spot.

Oh that's the name that I came up with while on my way here.

My smile reflected the Grinch until it fell to the ground because of Ethan, but this time I was not thinking about him, but in fact he was just a couple feet from me burning holes in my soul with his hazel eyes.

Damn, my day is officially ruined.

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