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Ethan stormed out of the room and I heard the front door closed. I tried my best to stay awake and try to run after him but my body wouldn't cooperate at all. Why was he so worried? Why was he sweating that much? Is it because we were in the same bed? Or maybe he doesn't love me?
No , of course he loves you, my  subconscious reminded me.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was 6:39 then tried to close the home screen but the button is spoiled. I really need to get a new phone tomorrow. I closed my eyes and at last I found sleep.

"Issie?" a voice ask. The lady that the voice came from is super gorgeous. She has long white hair and a long white gown with a glass slipper. The sight in front of me is so beautiful. Its the moon goddess.

"Hello, yes?" I asked but my voice sounds different. Younger even.

I looked down at myself to see a 10 year old me with my mother and father playing in the backyard.

Then my vision changed to see a 10 year old Ethan doing training that are more likely impossible to do with is father sitting back in the cool shadows with a whip while his son is in the sun working and being whipped every time he does something wrong.

It took me a time to realize that this was July 23 when I was just  10. Its my birthday. And if this was me on my birthday having fun, then Ethan was being whipped on his?

This is all so confusing. Why would the moon goddess send me this now?

Just as I was about to ask, she disappeared and I tried to call out but my voice is  gone.

"Don't worry my child, I will be back." She chimed before fading away completely and nothing is left but dust.

I am shook lightly as I fluter my eyes open slowly. My eyes are foggy but I can make  out an angry Maria sitting on the edge if the bed staring at me with with red eyes and puffy cheeks. She was crying, I can tell.

She hugged me extremely tight like we haven't seen each other in years but I saw her just yesterday.

Has it only been yesterday since I was brought back here?

Her eyes move to my neck and her eyes widen.

"Did you really let Ethan mark you. I thought you were going to wait a little longer." She pouted like a little child and i let out a soft giggle.

Should I tell her? Of course I should, she is my best friend anyway.

I picked at my fingers and try to come up with a way of telling her, but there is only one way to say it. "no." I whispered.

"what did you say?" She asked and her eyes clearly tell me that she heard but wants to clarify it.

"no. Ethan didn't mark me." I said in the smallest voice I could find.

"Then who did?" She ask again

"Kace. A man name Kace. " she didn't even let me finish my sentence before she runs of towards the door.

"ETHAN !!!! YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!" She screamed after exiting .I know exactly what she is going to do and I really want to see the outcome of it, so I waited until 5 minutes to change and go down stairs.


"So that is what happened " I told Drake about my dream of me killing Issie. He looks really hurt and I am fighting myself to stay in one place so I won't slap the look off his face to show him that I am to be the only one to look that way for her.

"ETHAN YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!" I heard Drake's maniac of a mate screamed through the house.

I heard heavy and angry feet on the wood.

"Take your goddamn time. That wood isn't cheap and your toms can't manage that well polish floor
" I said while popping the 'p' in the word 'polish'.

She walled up close to me, well too close. I signal Drake to take his crazy ass mate away from me but he doesn't seem to get it.


The bitch just slap me across my face.  Now she has passed her place completely.  I grabbed a hand full of her hair and threw her on the floor in front of Drake.

"YOU LISTEN TO ME YOU BITCH, I LET YOU HIT MY CHEST TO SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM AND ALLOW YOU TO CALL ME NAMES, BUT YOU JUST SLAP ME,  AND YOU HAVE PASSED YOUR PLACE NOW! YOU SHOULD REMEMBER THAT I AM YOUR ALPHA!!!" I stepped forward and shouted in her face then pushed her into Drake's chest. They both  looked as if they saw a ghost  in day light while staring at the entrance if the pack house. When I turned my head to see what they were looking at, I saw a scared Isabell standing at the front door with all the color drained from her face as she looks at her best friend. I looked back at Maria to see that her nose is bleeding and her mouth is busted.

Why are female so fragile?

She ran up the stairs and I ran after her like she has my last breath. She out ran me and headed straight in my bedroom then closed the door.

" Issie , hear me out. Please open the door so we can talk. If you don't I will break it down." I warned but it seems like she doesn't care. As I break the door off of its inches. I saw that the bedroom was empty and the bathroom door was locked. I don't think I need to break this door down because she needs privacy. I will just patiently wait until she is out.

About ten minutes later she comes out in a tank top and a jogging pants with sneakers.

"where are you going?And in that?" I asked a though I already know the answer.

"For a run, obviously." She talked back with more fierce and power.

"Can I join?" I asked trying to push my luck.

"no!" She said harshly and leaving me in the room alone.

Where could she possibly go at night??? I hope she is OK.

Before I knew my actions I am running after her through the front door but I only saw a


They just accepted each other so what's gonna happen now since Ethan hurt Maria????

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