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Isabell kicked Drake ass until he ended up in the hospital. He had a few broken ribs , a broken nose and a broken arm.

Who knew that the beta of the most dangerous pack was going to get his ass kicked by a girl, well my girl.
And For Maria, she got Sindy in a coma.

Congratulations to the girl Drake will be chasing when he is out of the hospital.


Anyways, after we left the hospital , Issie dropped Maria home and that only leaves two of us, Issie and Me.

"Why didnt you tell me?" I finally spoke.

She rolled her eyes and Sighed.

"Look, I've already told you. I was still angry at you for hurting Maria and you were with your girlfriend." She stated with no emotion. I hate when she does that, I need something from her , a sign. I want to know how she feels or what she is thinking.

Wait a minute Wendy is my what? Girlfriend?

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no No!!


"What do you mean Wendy is my girlfriend. That could never happen in a million years, you are my girlfriend, plus, even if we weren't speaking to each other you could just tell me that he is still alive." I said trying to catch my breath.

"Funny-" she said while laughing like she just got the funniest joke in the world, "-thats just funny. Why would I say something to you if I didn't want to have any contact with you, PLUS, I am not your girlfriend Wendy is. I was not the one eating the inside of your mouth the other day, and do you really think that I wouldn't find out that you slept with her. Oh come on Ethan, that is way to low even for you. We are mates not boyfriend and girlfriend, we didn't even make it official. So cut me the girlfriend speech-" she said while catching her breath. -"Look I am tired of all of this, I just kick Drake's ass into a hospital so I have no more energy for you. I will just leave you at your place and head back over to Edna, well its my home now so I dont want to have this conversation or I will do worse to you than I did with Drake." she snapped. I never saw her this pissed and I kept my mouth shut because I know that she will kick my ass right here in this car. She is the white wolf for crying out loud, and after what she did to Drake, I wont push my luck.

"You don't have to take me to my place, I actually what to speak with Edna." I said cautiously.

"Fine" she spatted.

The rest of the drive was silent, awkward silent, but soon before we knew it we were driving through the secret barrier.

I love to call it the spell gate.

We hopped out the car while I opened the front door for Isabell. She stared at me for a good while before she stepped inside.

"Aah, I see you guys are back-" Edna beamed as she entered the living room "-and no blood. Thats a good sign."

"Think again." Issie stated while showing Edna her busted knuckles.

"How did that happen" Edna said like worried mom.

She made it seemed like Isabell fell off her first bicycle ride.

"I fractured Drakes nose-" she smiled "-then broke his arm-" she continues "-and may break a few ribs. Nothing biggy "


Edna laughed. She really is laughing. Her eyes were filled with water. Its been a long while that I have seen her laugh like this. Issie is a sunshine that brightens everyone's day.

⭐My Bully Is My Mate | ✔ (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora