What's happening?

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Just to show you what the book is about and stuff...

Y/n = Your Name
Bff/n = Best fwends name
H/c = Hair colour
H/l = Hair length
F/c = Favourite Colour
E/c = Eye colour
...Just in case you didn't know.


Y/n hummed happily to the car radio as she drove to her meeting. Her friends and herself were holding a meeting on what their gang name was going to be and who took what role. She strolled out the parking lot, her eyes glued to the doors of the apartment building. She stepped in and searched for her friends. All she saw was a table covered in desserts and Bff/n in the corner talking to some girls Y/n didn't recognise. 'A little bit of some sugary treats wouldn't hurt to have, right?' she thought to herself as she stealthily tip-toed to the table. As she was about to grab a pretty pink cupcake, a feminine hand rested itself on her shoulder. Y/n had fast reflexes and bitch-slapped the person who was behind her and watched as everyone stared at her. Y/n looked at the girl who she hit on the other side of the room, and immediately felt regret. It was Charley, a good friend of hers since childhood, and rushed toward her.
"Holy Jesus, I'm sorry!" Y/n apologized, panic lacing her voice. Charleys long brown hair covered her face, so she couldn't see the smirk that rested on her face. Charley burst out laughing, somewhat entertained by what happened earlier.
"Mother of thingamajigglies, Y/n why?!" Charley giggled, getting up and hugging Y/n.
"'Thingamajigglies,' where did that come from?" Bff/n chuckled, prancing toward Y/n. She dragged the other girls she was talking to behind her, the girls struggling to get out of her grasp.
"Sorry I know more words than you, peabrain! ... I don't know where it came from, actually." Charley answered, glancing at the other three girls.
"And who are these lovely ladies~?" Y/n creepily purred, her e/c
eyes glimmering. There was Ying and Yang the two twin opposites and then there was May. Ying had golden long locks, and icy blue eyes. She wore a white shirt reading 'HOT DAMN' in bold lettering and some denim ripped jeans. Yang looked completely different, her short black hair in a bun, and she had green eyes. She wore red and white striped pants and a blood red t-shirt. May had long brown hair and light chocolate eyes. She wore a light orange shirt reading 'Get F**ked' and some denim shorts. Charley had long dark brown hair, almost a midnight black, and indescribably dark brown eyes. She resembled a more confident and darker May, wearing an orange top and some red tights. I, myself, had h/l silky h/c hair and shimmering e/c eyes. At the time, I wore a baby blue top with 'It's Me, Bitch' written on the chest area and some long denim jeans.
This was the start of the Thingamajigglies. (I can't get over the name)

Word count: 515 words.


WILDCAT X READER - Los Santos Gang Drama Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя