Chappie 15 - Play-Time

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Y/n's POV

When I woke up, I didn't expect to see what I had seen. One of my kittens, an orange male kitty, was posing proudly for some reason on top of my dresser, pushing a grey kitten with the fluffiest tail off the dresser and onto the bed. An incredibly dark purple kitten was playing with the dark brown kitten who somehow pulled on blue stocking and a blue beanie. A golden kitten was watching TV and the last kitty, a red kitty with orange markings was snuggled into my side. These kittens were too chaotic for my liking. I decided it was time to name them, so they have a name to respond to.

I pierced the air with a sharp whistle and watched as the kittens scrambled on top of my bed. I attempted to pull off the beanie from the brown cat but even with my best efforts, my attempts failed tremendously. I named her Alice, because she reminded me of another childhood friend of mine who had to move away. I miss her.

The next, who had tossed the grey floofball off the dresser I named Simba, because he reminded me of Simba from The Lion King. He also had eyes of a lion, making him look like a mini lion cub.

After Simba, I named the grey kitten with the fluffy tail Wolf, as he stayed secluded from the other cats, like a lone wolf, and could stand his ground very well. Also, his hunting skills were very intriguing.

Then I named the dark purple kitten Laurie just because she reminded me of a special someone, whom I've forgotten had any significance in my life until now. I noticed her eyes were purple with little stars sparkling in the light. She's like the starry night sky.

The snuggly one is now known as Autumn, as her red and orange fur is like the fallen leaves in autumn. She liked to be lazy, snuggling deep into me for warmth. She's adorable.

And the last kitten is further called Josh, with golden fur and piercing blue eyes. He was, for some reason, drawn to the television and sat to watch intently. He's like a goof I met in high school, obsessed with TV shows.

I wondered if the names worked, calling them one by one. The only felines who didn't respond were Autumn and Wolf, as Autumn was asleep and Wolf had barricaded himself in the corner of the room using books. He just meowed in response. I just guessed that the name for Autumn would work, so I didn't bother waking her up. I sighed and wrote the names down in a notebook with a brief description beside the names, as I figured I'd forget.

I trotted out the room and into the lounge to begin searching for something close to cat food. Seeing Tyler had been eating canned tuna, I stole a few tins, just a few, and rolled back to my room. Chucking the tins onto the bed and narrowly missing Autumn, I realised I hadn't gotten a bowl. I face planted to the floor and rolled out of the room, rolling into a pair of clothed legs. I got up to snarl at whoever had interfered with my mission when I noticed it was Tyler. He picked me up and ignored my protests as he ran to the backyard and tossed me into the swimming pool. I noticed that Ohms had made his way onto a pool table, as he was using it as a raft to get away from Delirious.

I climbed my way out of the pool, now soaked in chlorinated water, I ran over to Tyler and leaped into his arms to get him soaked. He ended up falling into the pool and we had a great time, getting drenched and splashing each other. I then realised that I had forgotten about the kitty's food, after three hours.

I rushed into my room, leaving a wet trail of water behind me. Swinging open the door, I saw that Alice and Wolf had miraculously opened the tins for the kittens. Wolf had his own and the rest of the kittens shared, Autumn now awake. I sighed and got ready for a shower, beginning to pull out clothes and a clean towel. I had the first shower and used up all the warm water, snickering as Cartoonz was next. I hope he doesn't have a temper.

I made a makeshift bed for the kittens out of a thick blanket and a pillow and placed it in front of the TV for Josh mostly, but also for the other fur balls if they wanted to watch it too. I snuggled into my bed and fell asleep and dreamed about pink fluffy unicorns, for some reason, dancing on rainbows.

... I woke up, hearing a loud *THUD* from the lounge. The TV had shut off and the kittens were asleep, so it wasn't any of them causing mischief. I crept out of my room with a heavy flashlight, perfect for knocking people out. I got out just in time to see Tyler come out of his room too. We made eye contact and scurried over to each other. "Did you do That?!" He hissed, probably scared. Don't worry, I was petrified. Not because of the noise, but because of the living, breathing being creeping up behind Tyler. I shoved him out of the way in time, but I was shot at with a tranquilizer. The last thing I saw through a hazy vision was Tyler being cuffed and shoved into a sack, before black dots clouded my vision.

... hope you enjoyed? Thanks _WolfPlayz_ for the name suggestions, I didn't have any until my classmate mentioned Simba.

Word count: 969 words.
It's short.

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