Chapter 21 - Sunset Beach

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Y/n's POV

Strolling around the mall with my earbuds spitting out tunes, the guys and I searched for a fitting swimsuit for me. I don't know why, but the guys wanted to go to the beach. We came across a large store, holding a full load of new swimwear. I was soon dragged into the store, and we all began a search for a nice swimsuit for me.

After a few minutes of walking around, I saw a nice swimsuit, an ombre of colour (?) starting from a light f/c and fading to a darker shade. A pretty array of flowers decorated one shoulder strap and it actually looked decent. Craig came over, checking out the swimwear. Without a word, he shoved me into the nearest changing stall along with the swimsuit. I pulled it on easily, seeing as it fit perfectly, and I walked out to show the guys to see if it was good enough.

When I walked out, I truly jinxed it, I saw Delirious running around wearing a women's top and Evan trying desperately to stop him from running around the store. I snorted, dragging attention my way. As if on cue, I saw that my brother, Jake, had come into the shop and was conversing with Craig. Soon enough, we bought the swimsuit and left for the beach, Jacob coming with us too. The girls would meet us there, hopefully, and we'd have a good time.

We passed a sign beside the road, reading 'Sunset Beach.' Why should that be the name? Why not something like, I don't know, Sandy Beach? It's completely original. I noticed that the car had stopped, and saw Yailyn's car next to ours. I hopped out and ran over to the girls. Sophia, Annabell and Silent were swimming down in the ocean and Yailyn was finishing up setting up the towels and umbrellas.

"Hey, Yai!" I ran up to her and interrupted her preparation with a suffocating hug. "Y/N! Wanna help?" Yai smiled, but I walked away toward the water. I don't wanna help, I wanna play! The guys were polite enough to help Yai but I just wanted to flop around in the ocean waves. Once the time comes, I'll splash them. I'LL SPLASH THEM ALL! Mwuhahahah!

Soon enough, the guys and Yai finished with the towels and stuff, Craig sitting down to read a novel and everyone else running over the fiery sand to get to the water. It was a funny sight to see. Nogla and Lui attempted to make a sandcastle, but the ocean disagreed with that notion and crushed their every attempt in making a sand castle. Sophia tried to pull Mini into the water but alas, she was buried in less then a millisecond. H20vanoss splashed eachother and Marcel bathed in the sun. Wildcat was nowhere to be seen.

I soon found him talking to Jake under the shade of a palm tree. How about a little prank, the surely wouldn't mind, right? I swam out further into the ocean, passing a few small fishes and  making it to a buoy floating alonesome. I clung to the floating island thing and waited for my friends to begin wondering where I was. Wildcat I saw had reacted first, looking around worryingly, followed by my brother and Craig. Yailyn was busy burying a sleeping Marcel in the sand to notice I was gone, Annabelle and Sophia were starting to worry and Delirious was swimming around in the vast ocean, searching for something. Wait, where's Vanoss?

Out of nowhere, I felt an arm tug at my leg. I screamed and crawled to the top of the buoy and hissed at Evan, who has found me. "Can I hide with you?" He whispered. I gave him permission to cling to the buoy incase he got tired and he could stay with me. Time passed, and the people began to get increasingly worried. I felt something coil around my leg, and assuming it was Evan, I ignored it. Numerous other tendrils wrapped around my leg and I decided to look. A reddish octopus clung to my leg. It wasn't huge, but it still frightened me. Evan didn't know, so I grasped an idea. I poked at the octopus and it's grip on my leg loosened. I pulled it off and placed it carefully on Evans head. I grinned and watched as he screamed and flailed his arms through the the air. I pried the octopus off his head and flung it far away, toward a nearby couple. They screamed and swam black to shore, Evan and I both laughing.

More time passed and I saw that Delirious found us. He joined in hiding with us, followed by Lui and Sophie. Craig and Wildcat ran into the cold, salty water and Jake and Yai continued searching the land. Annabelle smiled and waved at us, not helping the search party in finding us. We laughed delightedly, in the search of the others. Our game of hide and seek came to an end, as they found us.

We all laughed, swimming back to shore. I stayed behind and swam slowly. They made it to shore and I was still playing in the water. I ducked my head underwater, observing the variety of colourful fish and a few mini octopuses. I then felt a large thing brush my leg and a fin began circling me. The guys yelled out to me but the grey large waterbeing had leapt up at me. I cried out as I was taken down under.

I felt a nuzzle in my side and saw that it was a dolphin, giggling and swimming around me. I smiled and hopped onto its back and let it dive in and out of the ocean. A few other dolphins swam along side us, and the dolphin and I had a fun time.

Once the dolphins said their goodbyes, I swam back to shore. We all had a slight picnic and chatted for a while, Tyler continuously glancing at the horizon. What was he searching for? I pondered for a bit before shrugging it off. Tyler soon got up and pulled me up with him, running to the farside of the beach.

He pulled me up a mound of rocks and said nothing, but motioned for me to look over the horizon. I gawked at the beautiful landscape before me. The sky was tinted in oranges and pinks of different shades, pink clouds scattered throughout the sky. The gorgeous ball of fire known as the sun slowly hid itself from view, using the orange waves as a blanket. The water glittered beautifully under the light from the setting sun.

The only word I could say was "Beautiful..." as I stared at awe at the painted portrait in front of me. "... Not as pretty as you." I heard Tyler mutter, a bright red glowing on my cheeks. He leaned in, as I did the same. We kissed in front of the beautiful setting sun, a paradise in the making.

At least I tried. Enjoy!
Word count: 1186 Words.

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