Chapter 26 - In the Woods

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Y/n's POV

As the bus ventured onwards, I pondered where we could settle down. The moon would be great, only we don't have a rocket ship. We could steal one, but we'd also need astronaut suits and a heap of oxygen tanks. Also, a few resources to make a mini village. That would be cool. After all of this drama, I want to be able to hang out with my friends.

Music began blaring, snapping me out of my thoughts. "APPLE PEEEEEN!" I heard someone scream. I saw Charley writhing around on the ground as if she had just been tazed. I think the songs too much for her. I let everyone else attempt to help her, walking to the front of the bus. I noticed that Evan, who was driving, wore protective earmuffs. I smirked, taking them and chucking them to a hyperventilating Charley. The songs not THAT bad, right?

She managed to regain her composure after slipping the earmuffs on. Evan had her drive as he couldn't concentrate with PPAP blaring through the speakers. I let my thoughts roam around my head as I watched the landscape go by and I blocked out the Pineapple Pen song. Would we actually make it out alive?

My thoughts on that subject almost stopped. Of course we'd survive! We're the best group of people ever. The bus jolted to a stop, Moo and Silent flying out of their seats. I stifled a giggle as I watched Annabelle walk over Silent to help up Brock. Silent huffed, having me help her up instead. Charley opened the bus doors and ran into the forest of green trees.

Yailyn parked the van while we explored the woods, Tyler occasionally attempting to scare me. I cannot get scared from a dark, shady, eerie... forest... full of critters... and snakes.. or possibly bears.... I shivered at the thought of being devoured by a hungry bear.

I heard Sophia suddenly start to laugh. She was browsing her phone. I looked over shoulder to see Tyler in a rosy red bikini, licking a banana and laying in a very sexual pose, making me incredibly uncomfortable. I let out an uncomfortable chuckle, Tyler looking in our direction.

"What's so funny?" Tyler said, approaching us. Before he could see anything, I took the phone and ran. I sent the picture from Sophia's phone to mine so I could keep it, pretty much becoming a phone thief. Tyler chased after me, probably wondering what I was hiding. My h/l h/c hair flowed behind me as I ran from Piggy, my e/c eyes searching for someone to save me.

"Annabelle!" I yelled, zooming behind her. Wildcat slowed down from being too tired, huffing and resting on the grass."... What?" Annabelle asked me. I looked at Tyler, then at Annabelle, hoping she'd get the hint. "Oh." She said, approaching him. He backed up. I noticed Brock watching her from afar. Annabelle didn't notice him smiling and staring at her from in that tree with... someone? I couldn't see them. Sophia arrived just in time to see Annabelle chase Wildcat through the forest, a loud cackling echoing from the trees above.

Sophia snatched the phone from my hands and laughed, seeing the picture again. Tyler ran into me, making me throw my own phone at Brian. He caught it swiftly, looking at the photo and smiling. "Hey Brian, mind giving that to me? I'm your best friend, right?" Tyler slowly walked toward Brian, earning a smirk from the Irishman. "How about... no?" He said, chucking it to Annabelle. She caught it, luckily not dropping it and breaking the screen.

She laughed a genuine laugh, admiring the dumb photo with interest. "Anna--" Tyler didn't have time to say anything before she threw the phone back to me, me squeaking out of surprise. "Run." Tyler grinned, sprinting toward me. I leapt up into the trees, being pulled up by Charley. Why were they in the trees? I sighed and waved the phone in Piggy's face, having the screen face away from him.

He jumped up and took the phone, making me wobble off the branch I was sitting on. Lucky for me, I was caught by Charley, taking my hand and lowering me to the grassy ground safely. "Why, where and who found this Photo?! And when did I ever wear a bikini?!" Tyler shrieked, throwing the phone back to me. We all laughed besides Tyler, who was almost crying out of pure embarrassment.


We found Evan and Delirious building a small wooden cabin, beside three others. "Guys, we need to partner everyone up into pairs of two so we can all fit into these huts." They said, letting us choose partners and the cabin we wanted. I chose the one closest to a sparkling stream of clear water, Tyler choosing to buddy up with me.

The rest of the partners were like this:
Jonathon and Evan,
Lui and David,
Brian and Yailyn,
Annabelle and Brock,
Silent and Marcel,
Charley and Sophia and
Mini and my brother, Jake.

Some people disagreed with the pairs, but really they'd get used to it. I was fine with Tyler, being in the same room with him, same house, just us. I smiled at the thought. I soon realise that we needed some food or a kitchen. I remembered the nutrient bars in the bus and the salami that we... where'd it go? Charley munched on a familiar smelling meat, sitting by a large fire. When did we have one of those? And when did four other cabins appear? Nevermind. Clearly the author doesn't want to write about building.

I ran over to Silent, who was no longer on her phone. She was conversing with Marcel, probably trying to get used to having to sleep with him. "Hey, you alright now?" I asked her, remembering the mini quarrel we had beforehand. "Yeah, just some business work, that's all." She smiled, going back to talk with Marcel. I left other find someone else to talk to, seeing Annabelle sitting by the lake.

"Hey, you okay?" I sat down by her side, alipping of my sandals and putting my feet in the water. "... Yeah, it's just..." She looked down at the little fish swimming in the freshwater river, weaving in and out, through our toes. "Well, I have this feeling whenever Brock comes around, like a warm, fuzzy feeling. I don't know what it is though." She ran her fingers through her long brown hair. Her brown eyes shifted around the lake. "Well, I'm in no place to say this, but... maybe you... like him?" I assumed. She blushed, looking back at the lake. "Maybe..."She whispered.

Such romance.

Hope you enjoyed! I found who I should ship with who, but have I missed anyone other  than Arlan? He doesn't have anyone...
Word count: 1147 words.

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