Chapter 34 - Ware's the House?

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Y/n's POV

A loud series of giggles startles me awake, the fiery ball of feathers in my arms squawking. My eyes opened to see a crowd of people in the middle of the bus, crowding around one seat. I set my bird down, as much as it wanted to snuggle into me, and I pushed my way through the crowd of friends. Nothing was there. "GOTCHA!" I heard Sophia scream. I chuckled, stumbling back to my seat. The bus jerked around, throwing me into the seat in front of my bird.

I began thinking of a name, as calling it 'buddy' or 'baby bird' isn't something I'd want to be called. "How about... Heat Flames Man?" I laughed and watched it try to nip me. "Guess not." I pondered for another moment. "What about Oblivion?" I heard a voice behind me. Annabelle was smiling behind me, fighting the urge to pet the fireball in my lap. "Good Idea! Oblivion, how about It?" I faced the Phoenix. It tweeted and danced in my arms. "Oblivion it IS!" I laughed.

Annabelle walked away, starting a conversation with Brock. I stood up and let Oblivion waddle around the bus, jerking it's head at the residence in the seats beside him every so often. I jumped into the seat next to Tyler, laughing as he was shocked out of his trance. "Oh hey, Y/n." He pecked my cheek. I smiled. "What's Up?" I hugged him. I heard Delirious yell out to us, something like: "JUST MAKE OUT ALREADY!" "Once you get with Evan, MAYBE!" I yelled back. The bus jerked to a stop, seeing the driver AKA Evan turn to a blushing mess. Craig took over.

"Well, what's been bothering you? You've been making eyes with the window for a while, and I don't want you to suddenly propose to it next." I laughed, making him smile too."I'm concerned that something will happen, I just have a bad feeling." He sighed, his smile fading. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean? I already nearly died, I don't think the gods would pull something worse." I joked. He stiffened his posture. "Look, I won't die. I promise you that, I don't know what I'd die from, but I promise I will not die." I muttered quietly, trying to get him to calm down. He smiled. "You're probably right, it's just me thinking bad thoughts." He laughed.

We spoke to one another in hushed voices, making people assume things. They tried to hear into my whispered rambles, failing to translate it into anything that makes sense. I felt claws grip my shoulders, and a loud squawk echoed throughout the bus. "Oblivion!" I laughed. I saw its eyes glowing an orange tinted light. Before I knew it, it had actually turned into a ball of fire. "Where's the fire propel when you need THEM?!" Sophia yelled out. "That doesn't Grammar!" Charley yelled back. "Watch out guys, I got this!" Delirious yelled out, throwing a large bucket of water at Oblivion. He sizzles before his fire faded completely. "Heh, get it? Because H20... and water... okay." He turned away and walked to the front of the bus. "I guess I won't yell out Oblivion, Okay?" I whispered to Charley, who was conveniently next to me. "I shall call you Obli, a shortened version of his or her name. I could call it Olive, but I'll wait." I muttered to nobody in particular. The bird cradled itself in my arms, using me as a blanket to shield itself from the cold water it was drenched in. I used the nearest blanket to me, which was Silent's, and I dried Obli.

"That's my Blanket!" I heard her yell. Before she could tackle me, Craig stopped the bus as Arlan told him to do so. "We're here!" Arlan yelled out to us. "Yeah, in the middle of a deserted desert. Are you high, Mate?" Charley let her Aussie side come out for a short period of 0.4 seconds before quietening down. A large cavernous hole was in the middle of the road. "Drive in, Craig!" Arlan said, pointing to the crevice in the land. "Are you insane, Mate? I think you've gone bonkers!" Charley yelled as Craig plunged the bus into the large crevice. The bus turned pitch black, and nobody could see. My bird was the only source of light, and he refused to get out of the blankets.

I felt somebody's hand touch by backside and, by reflex, I slapped them. I heard them yelp before running away. Who the f-- I cut myself off when rays of sunlight made their way into the bus. We were in front of a large abandoned warehouse. It seemed too shady. "Let's go, Guys!" Arlan seemed unfazed as he happily skipped out of the bus, the guys following behind him. I shuddered as the large warehouse loomed above us and cast a shadow over the gang. "Are you... Sure?" I whispered to him. He nodded and gripped my wrist. I pulled out my phone and took a selfie with the gang before creeping inside, as a last memorial to me. I could die in there, I don't Know!

"Come out, Guys!" Arlan yelled out. Obli wriggled out of my arms, running around the worn down warehouse. I watched as his brightness illuminated the dark. I then followed Arlan to three guys, all masked. I couldn't see their faces if my life depended on it, and I feared that it would. From what I could tell, there was a blonde one, a brunette, and a black haired man. All guys. They had guns to their sides and they didn't seem too pleased.

"Hey Arlan, what do you Want?" The leader, the brunette said harshly. Arlan smirked. "I brought her, boss." He smiled, shaking the dudes hand. Wait, What?! "Good, which one is she?" The brunette approached myself and the girls. Arlan pointed at me, and I felt arms wrap themselves around me. "I'm sorry, but what do you Mean?" I heard Tyler say. His arms held a tight grip around me. "We need to borrow the girl, alive or dead." The leader mused, pulling out a gun. He directed it toward Tyler's head. The gang immediately whipped out their guns. "Shoot me, the girl gets a bullet through the head." The leader said, cocking his gun.

"Why do you want ME?" I asked him, shaking. "I don't want you, I want your power." He laughed, almost shooting me. "No, she's mine. I wouldn't let you take her from me even if I was dead." Tyler growled. "Wanna test that Theory?" The brunette laughed as he pulled the trigger, and I immediately felt my instincts kick in. I threw Tyler out of the way, and... I took the shot for him.

Word count: 1150 words.

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