Chapter 14 - Mission Possible

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Y/n's POV

I laid with my kittens in my bed. They purred and snuggled into me, letting me feel them vibrate. Why were they vibrating? I pet them and just laid there, calmly and in peace. I had tried to create names for them, but I don't know what to name them. (I wonder if the readers can make some, as I lost all creativity.)

I was startled by Mini opening the door, having me squeak loudly. The kittens ran into the corner of my room where I had set up a temporary bed for them, as I didn't want to go out. Sadly, Mini had made me go out of my room after he squealed at the kittens.

Evan had notified us of a mission, we have to raid a base. It would be tough as we were going to raid the strongest and most powerful gangs base ever. They were a group of five, all of them guys. They didn't title themselves, but most citizens called them the 'ULTIMATE SHIPPING GROUP.' I don't know why, I hadn't really heard of them until Evan gave them a very descriptive description.

The first guy he described was a leprechaun named Sean, preferred to be called Jack, an Irishman with very green hair and blue eyes. He was nearly the shortest person apparently, but I don't know about that, May's pretty short. His role in the group was the tech guy, like my position in my new gang. He was funny, yet could get pretty mad.

The next described was a black and red haired man named Mark, being also pretty short. He had chocolate brown eyes and sometimes had a pink moustache. He was Korean, as Evan told us. He was very close to Jack, which is why they are titled Septiplier as their couple name. He can also be enraged pretty easily. He played the role of distraction.

The third guy Evan told us about was a masked man, the only guy to keep his identity secret. People called him Cryaotic, Cry for short, his real name is Ryan Terry. He wears a white pokerface mask, a black string poking out the top. He was a brunette and was a pretty funny guy as Evan says. I believe him as he has a great sense of humor, he should know who's funny. He has the position of thief or the sneak like Charley, but she can be anything.

The second-to-last guy was a man named Ken, a brunette man with a rather fluffy beard. He had brown eyes and was the sniper of the group. He was also pretty humorous and had a girlfriend named Mary, a pretty blonde girl with blue eyes, I think?

The very last man was the leader, Pewdiepie was his code name and his real name was Felix. He sounds familiar and his picture made my heart stop. He was the guy from my cycle of nightmares, blonde hair and blue eyes. He was swedish and in fact, did own pink headphones. He played the role of leader, as I previously stated and had a girlfriend named Marzia, a pretty Italian girl with brown hair and brown eyes, I Think? I forget.

I ignored the fact that I made friends with their leader in my dreams and asked about the goal of raiding them. Evan answered me, saying,"We need to sneak into their little hideout and take their money or anything that helps them with heists. Y/n, you have a special part in this as you need to hack into all their security and take it down, as well as taking in a tracking chip and inserting it into their computer system and we need you to install a virus into their computers. Can you do that?"

I was in a state of shock, forgetting to brush a loose strand of h/c hair out of my face. Tyler did it for me though. "W-wait, what's everyone else going to do?" I asked Evan and broke out of my trance. "We need to play a distraction, maybe even kill one of them." He stated bluntly and smirked. I sighed and stood up. "Well, let's execute mission impos-""MISSION POSSIBLE!" Charley appeared out of the tall and unkempt long grass in the backyard. She got to help protect me if anything goes wrong.

Charley put on her new mask, a black mask like Cry's but it showed a different emotion. It was one of insanity, with a large twisted grin stretching to the small white dots that represented the pupils. A long, snake like tongue writhed and poked out the corner of the mouth. It was relatively creepy. She equipped her new and improved duel glockenspiel handguns and walked out to the car. I slipped on a simple see through blindfold on my eyes and smiled. Grabbing my new revolver from Bff/n, I slipped into the Banana Bus. It was literally a goofy, yellow and green bus. The whole way there the guys would only say, "ba doop ba doo, banana bus!" And Charley joined in soon after they started with the annoying nonsense. I realise how annoying a must've been toward the girls. I miss them.

We stopped at an abandoned museum, rumored to have the highest security in the world. I figured that that's a lie as I swiftly disabled the system with a simple push of buttons on my laptop. They then parked the bus in a nearby river. Don't ask.

The guys slid in and made a loud commotion, letting Charley and I creep in form the back. I hacked into the average system and saw Jack was in the computer room and three of the other guys were at the Banana Bus crew. Where was Cry? He wasn't on any of the cameras... I brushed of that feeling, accidently brushing off the feeling of being watched. We made it to the computer room and opened the door swiftly, Charley leaping over to Jack and knocking him out with the butterfly of one of her duel guns. I took out a special computer chip and inserted my hacked virus chip into the slot. We snuck out of the room, not before Charley doodled on Jack's face and taped him to the ceiling.

Charley ran toward the fighting gangs and joined in. I still haven't found Cry. I didn't notice the smirking figure in the darkness holding a sniper aimed at me. Hearing a loud bullet fire, I dodged it without even knowing and leapt at the figure in the dark whom had given himself away so easily. Something was up, I just know it. They were the best gang worldwide yet it seemed they didn't stand a chance against us. He looked up at me and struggled to get up under my weight. I threw him against the wall, hearing a sickening crack and seeing large pieces of stone fall off the roof. I didn't throw him that hard, did I?

Of course I didn't as my brother, Jake, landed swiftly on the floor and joined in on the fight. Even though he can be an ass he's still a loving brother. I looked over at Cry just in time to see him fire a spit ball looking thing out of a straw. It hit Tyler in the neck, but he didn't notice it so it shouldn't have been painful. Cry smiled proudly as if he cured cancer, or I think he did behind the mask. I felt enraged as I bashed Cry's head into the wall repeatedly and left a large dint after he dropped to the ground unconscious. I threw a sleep grenade at the crowd of fighting gang members and watched as they all dropped to the ground. I pulled my shirt up over my nose and mouth and proceeded to drag everyone into the bus, leaving Pewds, Ken, Mark and Cry in the large room or the museum.

I drove everyone home safely and tried to think of names for my kittens.

I want whoever is reading to leave names for the kittens and I need six please? Is that even grammatically correct? Idk.

Also I need another youtuber to make another book on and I'll just wait for someone to comment and tell me who I should do my next fanfic on.

Hope you enjoyed!
Word count: 1410 words.

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