Chapter 27 - Training

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Y/n's POV

Sophia and I strolled through the forest, trying to find a large, fleshy animal to kill and harvest. We truly have never done this before, so I'd shriek everytime I saw a mountain lion. Just because I didn't wanna kill it and eat it. It probably had a family! Not like the cops that were eliminated not long ago had a family.

We found a large wild boar, slurping up some crystal clear water. Sophia smirked, equipping her hand claws. I hesitated before taking out a sniper with a very efficient supressor on the front and an improved and extended scope for whatever reason. I lifted the gun and shot, the boar now having a bullet hole in the side of his head. "HEADSHOT!" I yelled, running to the boar. Sophia carved it's bones, organs and tusks out of the dead piggy and she shoved it into the now almost full, large garbage bag.

We kept going for a short while before heading back to camp. "We're gonna have alot of bacon. Hope Tyler doesn't notice." Sophia laughed and tugged the black garbage bag to Evan, who was cooking. We stole a fridge and a fire lighter from nearby towns, careful to never be caught. The air was pierced by Delirious screaming about a meeting.

We all surrounded the warm fire by dusk, throwing unwanted trash into the bonfire. "Girls and guys, I think we need improvement." Jon said, tossing a perfectly good pillow case into the fire. I wonder why? "We're perfect! What would we need to improve on?" Charley yelled over the crackle of the fire. Delirious said nothing, but threw a sharp ninja star at Charley, Sophia catching it without thinking. There wasn't enough time to think. Another star was thrown, Charley catching it for Sophia as it was aimed at her. "Thanks."  They both said, jinxing soon after.

"Well, can you operate well with melee attacks?" He said, raising an eyebrow at the two girls. Charley shook her head no, while Sophia did the opposite. "Begin training tomorrow, everyone. We need some tutors. Who's best with melee attacks?" Yailyn raised her hand, being specialised in knives and daggers. "What about snipers?" Evan mentioned. Marcel's hand shot up. "Stealth?" Lui said, having Silent to reply. "Training begins at dawn." Evan announced, dismissing us. We all went to our cabins and for once since the cops finding us, had a satisfying, long rest.


I was awoken from my peaceful slumber by Tyler, already dressed and ready. I chucked on a white shirt and some short shorts, pulling my h/l h/c hair up into a tight ponytail. I rushed out just in time to see Nogla staring at his laughing and Lui wearing a red bikini top over his shirt, licking a banana. "Stop It!" Tyler growled. We all laughed before being organised into groups. We had a time schedule for the day now, and here's mine:

7.00am - 9.00am: Training with Silent, Stealth.
9.00am - 11.00am: Training with Yailyn, Melee.
11.00am - 1.00pm: Training with Marcel, Snipers and ETC

... Very descriptive time schedule. I was in the same classes with Charley and Sophia for Stealth and melee attacks training, so I had some friends in two of my classes. Annabelle was in Marcel's class with me. I only payed attention to the girls in my group before hearing Silent yell out for her class, alongside the other tutors.

Stealth wouldn't be that bad, right? Boy, was I wrong. Silent took on a whole other personality when she was teaching us. She was strict and very informative, like most normal teachers. A part of the lesson that made me laugh was seeing Craig fire an arrow directly above himself from the field, only to have it plunge back into his face. That truly was funny, and it wasn't a real arrow, so he was fine. Jacob tried to pull it off but it was stuck to his forehead. Marcel's class seemed enjoyable.

My next class was with Yailyn, Melee attacks. She was almost as bad as Silent, just some humor was detected. She got us into pairs and we dueled as she pointed out all the mistakes we made. When Sophia and Charley's turn was up, as soon as Yai said 'GO' Charley dropped the knife and retreated to hide behind a large boulder. We all laughed when she tried to deny being a scaredy cat. She didn't wanna hurt Sophia, cute.

Last class, with Marcel. Let's say he wasn't the best teacher. Joking around and not really teaching isn't what he's supposed to do, right? Whatever. Tyler was in this class, and I aimed for his butt when we were given permission to fire. He squealed so loudly I thought my ears had imploded. Overall, we had a good time.

After the day had ended, I had a feeling that someone near me was filled with mischief. I looked behind me to see Tyler with a random nerf gun, and he fired it at my butt. I guess payback is a douche.

I sat in the treetops, stargazing alone. Watching a few sparkling stars shoot past, probably getting ready to destroy the land and make a crater. If we didn't die of lack of oxygen or from fiery heat strokes, I wonder what it would feel like to touch a star. Probably still painful. A rustle in the leaves caught my attention, seeing a familiar grey kitten with a fluffy tail climb onto the branches I was perched on top of.

"Wolf?!" I squealed and hugged him. I completely forgot about the kittens! The others came up to watch the stars with me, soon after leaping down to go explore. I didn't stop them, as I was told to release them into the wild. I still don't think that's a good idea.

I hopped down, accidentally landing in someone's arms. Tyler stared down at me, smirking. "I wished for an angel, and one fell out of the sky." He laughed, looking up at the trees. "Ha ha, very funny." I murmered. "Why were you up there?" He asked me, setting me down. "Y'know, other than planning to fall into my knight in shining armors arms, I was watching the meteors and asteroids come and crash down to the earth." I said, staring up at the sky through a gap in the leaves. He pet me, earning a purr to rumble from my throat. "Kitty~~" He said, petting me some more. "It would make more sense if I had called you that, wild kitty." I murmered. "True." Was his response.

Hope you enjoyed, something dramatic is gonna happen in the next few chapters, so be warned.
Word count: 1123 words.

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