Chapter 12 - Dreams, Vs. Nightmares. (EXTRA LONG CHAP)

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...Y/n's POV?

I woke up and stretched, hitting something above me. I retracted my hand and looked up to see a huge and beautiful willow tree, surrounded in flowers and small, cute animals. A dark chocolate brown bunny hops up to me, followed by an almost golden squirrel and a small shetland pony. I smiled and got up, brushing off my... dress? I wore a dress that resembled off of what a kind princess would wear, with a light f/c tint and a f/c ribbon around the waist. I felt my hair and noticed it was in a braided bun, a f/c ribbon tied around it and forming a bow. Lifting my long silky dress I saw some f/c flats on my feet. I let go of my dress and looked down at the animals, seeing more and more approach me.

One animal that stood out to me was a deer, with a f/c ribbon around each of its antlers. The ribbons flowed majestically behind it and, sure enough, it had a f/c purse in its mouth. I smiled, knelt down and gently took the purse, thanking it for its kindness. It wasn't mine, but it looks fantastic and like something I'd have. I saw the deer was tugging at my dress, pulling me toward the forest of beautiful willow trees surrounding us.

I decided to follow the deer and adventure into the woods, even though there's a chance this dress will get ripped. I stepped over numerous roots that dug into the earthy soil and followed the deer. I opened the purse and there was three mice; a red one with slight horns, a golden one with shining blue eyes and one with a grey scarf around its eyes with the same symbol on it that Ohms bandanna had. They resembled Luke, Bryce and Ohm. I let them stare at me as the deer lead me into the middle of the forest.

We approached a mystical, spacious area roofed with the leaves and branches of the willow trees. A tree stump was in the middle, light came shining down in beautiful rays of sunlight and spotted the grassy floor. Sitting on top of the trees grave was a little girl, who wore the same dress as I was wearing, having the same f/c bow in her hair. The only differences were she had her h/l, h/c hair out and on her shoulders and her father and mother sat by her side. They looked like my parents, only... they are alive. I tried to rush up to them and give them a hug, but I fazed through them as if it were a dream, slowly drifting into a nightmare.

They still looked the same, my mother having the same bouncy curly hair and the joyous laugh, my father owning his scruffy beard that I loved stroking, having the same handsome smile. And me, a combination of both. The lovely, joyous laugh and the beautiful, broad smile  gracing my face.

The moment I wanted to go back to so dearly was shattered when a man stepped into view, holding a heavy shotgun. He wore a long, black coat and black fedora, his face covered by the darkness of the shadows. My mother's eyes widened and my father shoved us both behind him, the shady man aiming the shotgun at me. "Willson, leave my family OUT OF THIS!" My father stood tall and proud, letting his booming voice echo around the forest. The man only chuckled and lowered his gun. "Oh, Jason, why would you care for these MORONS? They only weigh our business down. They aren't anything promoting, and they sure aren't pretty, with your wife's ugly laugh and the sad, unlovable child you both have-" the rest was muffled, I couldn't listen anymore. I blocked out any sound that I heard. I looked up to see the man laugh psycotically and raise the gun at my father. He lifted his hand to the trigger. A loud BOOM shattered the silence that kept me feeling safe. I saw my father fall to the ground and my mother cry out in sadness. She tried to kneel down to my father, but she was shot too. Little me was left there, shaking in her f/c flats and tears streaming down her face.

"You're next." I heard the man say, and I started wailing uncontrollably. "Mommy! Daddy!" I heard little me cry out, trying not to choke on her own sobs. He aimed the gun in little mess direction. I couldn't let this happen. I tackled her to the ground, hearing the gun sound. She wailed harder at the gun shot and the birds squaking. He growled, seeing me pick little me up and cradle her, running through the forest. I weaved in and out of trees, barely dodging bullets. I then was struck in my arm with a golden bullet, making me nearly drop... me. I set little me down. "R... run." I choked on my own blood and fell to the floor. She screamed apologies and ran in terror. The man strode up to me, smirking.

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