Chapter 1 - Meeting Someone New

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Y/n's Point of View
          I hummed and twirled my pistol in my hands, excited to go on another heist. I stuck my head out the car window and started sticking my tongue out, my h/l hair flying in my face. I then sat properly, rethinking the plan.
          May would stay behind the bank in the getaway vehicle ready to drive them off. Ying and Yang would distract the bank assistances as I would hack into the camera and audio system, and give Charley the signal to sneak in and steal the cash.
          I smiled and grabbed my laptop out of my satchel, ready to hack the security systems. Ying and Yang ran in with their weapons and I shut down the security. I grabbed my pistol out in case the cops get here before we split, Charley running out with numerous sacks slung over her shoulder. The girls jumped in and we sped off just before the police get here. I grinned widely, happy that we successfully stole another trillion dollars again.
         I decided to annoy May, since it's the best thing for me to do. I poked her. Then I poked her again. I kept poking her and started to repeat over and over 'are we there yet'. I was satisfied as we get to base, jumping out the car and helping the twins with the muns.
          Once that was done, Charley and I drove to Starbucks to meet Bff/n and grab some breakfast. Once we got there, I pulled out my wallet and found the $2,000 I had. I smirked and hopped out the window, because I'm badass. I leapt over to Bff/n and gave her a tight squeeze before reporting our latest heist.
          "I'm proud of you, Y/n. Tell the others I congratulate them. Next time, I might join your next heist!" Bff/n cheered, grabbing a seat at the nearest table. I smiled and thanked her, going up to get my order.
          As I sat down in my seat, the news came on showing how much we stole. Charley strode in just as they mentioned that a message was left on the bank wall. On a sticky note, it said: 'Teh Thingamajigglies were here, jiggling over here, jiggling over there, pretty much jiggling everywhere!' I stifled in a laugh, shoving Charley lightly. She can be a real pain sometimes. Suddenly, a new report came on, showing another heist gang.
          "The Banana Bus crew has yet again robbed one of the richest people in Los Santos, taking $1,000,000 from the storage room. They left banana peels littered around in the corridors." I nearly laughed out loud,'What kinda name is 'The Banana Bus Squad', huh? Then again, what name was the Thingamajigglies?' I thought, giggling in my head.
        My thoughts were interrupted by some guys bursting through the door. One wore a helmet and a pig mask with a white shirt with 'WILDCAT' printed on it in bold. Another guy had a fox mask and a suit with... yellow flip-flops? Strange combination. I recognised one of the other guys as H20Delirious. He wore a Jason hockey mask and a blue jacket. The last, I also recognised, was Vanoss. He had a owl mask on, a red leather jacket with white stripes on the shoulders and a pair of jeans. These guys were part of the Banana Bus gang. The only thing I really questioned was the fact that they were robbing Starbucks of all places.
        "Get one the floor. NOW!" Pig-Face commanded to everyone in the coffee shop. People whispered in astonishment and fear as they lowered themselves to the ground. I also sat on the ground, but Charley and I looked really calm about the situation. Bff/n left ages ago, so there was no need to worry about her. One of the dudes must of noticed my calmness, because the Vanoss guy aimed his rifle at me. I didn't even flinch. I decided to toy with them until the police got here, since I was bored as hell. I got up and clicked my fingers, the guys watching my every move. I turned invisible and started to feel the new gadget I was in the process of making work. It was a cloaking device, so nobody could see me. I walked over to the flip-flop fox and tickled him relentlessly. He began to giggle, the he burst into a fit of laughter, screaming "Stahp, STAP!"
          I soon stopped as Delirious questioned fox dude. I then whispered creepily into Vanoss' ear while his teammates were occupied."Look at that view of Delirious' ass!" I felt Vanoss blush and slowly look at Delirious. I then smirked, and wondered what to do to Piggy.
          I know! How about I just breathe into his ears? I stalked over to him and blew into his left ear. His head whipped around, but he failed to see me. I giggled and blew into his other ear. He looked around, shivering. Charley was having a coughing fit, dying of laughter. Everyone already left as this was going on. Charleys phone was recording everything, so I couldn't wait to show the girls. I then reappeared, and turned off Charleys phone recorder. The guys were freaking out (Apart from Vanoss, who was staring at Delirious's lower back.) I dragged Charley out, hoping she wouldn't actually mert her demise from me making her die of laughter. Once we got home, we showed the girls the video and they couldn't breathe. I was proud of myself, since I got the work-in-progress gadget to work.
          I went into my room to work on my new 'morphing watch'. It's a watch that's like Ben 10's, but you can transform into actual animals. So far, I can only transform into a bat and back, so I'm gonna improve it.
          If you didn't know already, I'm the technerd and the hacker of the group. I also know medical healing, so I'm also the doctor. Bff/n is the leader, Ying is the distraction, Yangs the gunman and May's the driver. Charley is whatever role she takes out of the thief or the retard. She's the strangest out of the group, but she sure can get to your heart.
        I finished the gadget and tested it out. It WORKED! Looking at the time, I realized that I spent twelve hours on it. It now being 3.00 at in the morning, I yawned and face planted onto my comfy bed. Sighing, I slept into dreamland, dreaming about those BB gang guys.


Word count: 1089 words.

I didn't enjoy it, I'm struggling to edit this, I give up. I just... RAR
It gets better, so keep reading. It might take a huge dive, though. Check out my other books,  too!

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