Side Story Thing - #1 - Change!

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I've decided to make mini side stories every now and then. Not Craig mini, I mean the measurement.

Y/n's POV

I had just come back from a hunting session, and I had to drag the carcasses of the dead animals all the way to the camps firepit. Once I had done that, I noticed Arlan, for the first time in a while, holding something and staring at it, unmoving. I walked over toward him to investigate what was so intriguing. He was holding a rainbow stone, shimmering and changing colour in the light. I, too, became transfixed to the stone.

I heard somebody call my name. I didn't budge. People approached us. I wanted to see who, but my eyes were glued to the rock. Soon, everyone was surrounding Arlan and the rock. Before I knew it, the rock exploded on itself, knocking us back. Arlan was the only one to not get knocked back, for some odd reason. I winced as light took up my vision.


I waited for the light to pass, and opened my eyes. I saw Arlan, he was normal, then I saw myself and everyone else. I heard a scream, and I stifled a chuckle as I saw Delirious running around, actually wearing a bra. I don't know why his first reaction was to tear his shirt off, but whatever. Evan was just staring, laughing. We all switched genders apart from Arlan, who was holding the stone. I'll give everybody a brief description:

Mini, or Craig, now had long light brown hair, reaching his... or her.... I guess he's a she now. Her hair reached her backside in width, and it was hanging out loosely. She wore a black dress with a white belt around the waist, probably not for camping. She wore high heels, which I found funny because nobody could walk in them. I guess she'd be Clair, or Minnie Mouse now. (:/)

Evan, or Vanoss, had average length, jet black hair pulled up into a ponytail tail. His owl mask was now just being held over his top half. I guess he's weirded out by this, too, then. His clothing was generally the same, but his jeans were now shorts. Jonathon kept screaming about How Evan was a hooter with hooters. I call Evan, now Ella, or Vanessa.

Delirious had her mask on, so I can't give you any detail of her face. Not like I did for the other guys. She had long, jet black hair in a side plait, and had her regular clothes on. The only things that changed were her chest and hair, that I could say. Jonathon was now... Jasmine? I'mma still call her Delirious.

Lui had her monkey mask on, and normal length, light brown hair kept up in a ponytail. Normal length for a girl, anyway. Her clothes stayed the same too, apart from the fact that she kept trying to pry her shirt off, but Nogla tried to prevent that. Lui can be Louise now.

David, her hair was short and in a ponytail. She wore a light green singlet and a black skirt, slight heels on too. He almost toppled over trying to restrain Louise. God, I've got to get use to writing these names. (WHAT?) I mean... say... yeah. Gotta get used to saying the names. David can be... uh... Nogla can be Navi, uh... David -> Debbie?

Marcel now wore a Fiona costume, black hair poking out from her hat. She was the only calm person about this, sitting and watching everyone freak out. I'mma call her Fiona to annoy her, but I'll call her Mary when I'm not being annoying.

Brian had longer, light brown hair pulled up in a high ponytail, regular clothes and kept staring at everyone. This description thing is gonna take up the whole chapter. She can be Brianna.

Brock had long light brown hair, one side shaved off. His outfit stayed the same, but his voice didn't. I could tell from his screaming and running around, almost tripping over her own feet. Brock can be Betty or something, I'll think about it.

The last of the new girls, Wild kitty, wore her regular helmet, but took the pig mask off. Light hair fell to her shoulders and the look on her face didn't show she looked pleased. Her arms folded themselves across her chest and she was death glaring at me. Wonder why...? Her clothing stayed generally the same. Her name once was Tyler, and it shall be Tylah. Not much change, I tell ya.

The new guys, now... well, Annabelle had short dark brown hair and a normal white t-shirt with black shorts. He ran around, yelling profanities and protests. His name can be... Aaron?

Yailyn's purple hair was now shorter, and he was kinda disappointed. He wore a black singlet and some jeans. He was attempting to calm everyone down, but was panicking himself. I'll name him... Yorath? Naming just got trickier...

Silent had short jet black hair, styled like Evans was, and he was trying to calm Delirious down. I didn't make an effort, but at least he tried. I guess I can still call him Silent?

Sophia's hair was now red and blonde, but shorter. He kept trying to strangle Charley, not that I would care, and he was still panicking. I'm having a mental battle whether to call him Sam, or Smithers...

Lastly, if I didn't forget anyone, there's Charley. She had short, dark brown hair but a little longer than Aaron's. Or Annabelles. Uh, yeah... I guess Charley's name can stay generally the same.

With me, I just had shorter h/c hair and the same e/c eyes. I wore a regular shirt with baggy jeans and some sneakers. I had to pull out my phone to see my face, and DAMN was I good Looking! (Can't change name, it's your name. You change it. :/)

"Hey, WildKitty, why are you so mad?" I asked my... um, girlfriend. She just huffed. "You're hotter than I was..." He mumbled. "What?" I smirked. "You're HOT, OKAY?" I heard her say. I laughed, playfully poking her.

"How can I become my beautiful self Again?!" I heard Aaron yell out. I snorted. "I guess we will be stuck like this for a while, might as well go hit on girls and be a pig--" I was cut off by being slapped by Tylah. Was it that I got stronger, or Tylah got a lot weaker? Probably both, knowing author-chan.

"Hey Guys! I can HELP!" Arlan yelled. He pulled out another rainbow rock. "No, Arlan--" an explosion knocked me off my feet and I tackled Kitty down to shield her from said explosion. The same bright light filled my vision and... yeah.


I opened my eyes to be the same, a sigh of relief slipping from my lips. I heard a meow from under me, though. I looked at Tyler, now with white and black stripped cat ears and tail. I sighed, feeling my head. Sure enough, I had something jetting out of my head. They were horns, seeing it in my phone camera. I saw a red tail swaying behind me, and red wings jetting out my back. I flapped them, soon realising I was a demon.

Arlan, Why?!

Hope you Enjoyed!
Word count: 1227 words.

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