Chapter 9 - MAGIC! And I don't mean HOOdini...

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Y/n's POV

I woke up to hear someone yell and someone else throw something. I was still in my pajamas which was only a large Tokyo Ghoul shirt and some underwear. That's all I wore aside from some tight bunny leggings. I rushed out of my room and into the kitchen to see Wildcat throwing eggs at some guy in a Finn outfit from adventure time. I grabbed a conveniently placed flour bag and threw it at the random misplaced cartoon character who was attacking Tyler. A loud poof erupted as flour whirled around the room and was blown around by the fans. "Hahahah! WTF, Y/N!" Tyler yelled and rolled around on the flour covered floor. "Oh my God what the heck?!" The adventure time guy yelled and laughed, looking at me as if I were insane. "UMMMM... who are you, misplaced or lost cartoon character guy?" I questioned. "Okay, do you usually throw flour bags at strangers?" He asked me back, dancing around in the flour filled room. "What's going on? Oh hey Marcel." Delirious greeted the ghostly looking Finn guy. "That chick threw a FULL FLOUR BAG AT ME!" He yelled and pointed at me. "He was attacking TY-TY!" I yelled back, pointing at mister cartoon character. We sorted it out and woke up everyone to play in the new snow land that I made myself.

"I am Marcel, or IBasicallydowrk. Who are you?" Marcel asked me. "I'm Y/n L/n, I don't have a code name yet though." "Wait, you're that coder from the Thingamajigglies!" He realised, shocked and probably fangirling. (Fingerling is what it said before. XD) "Ye" I answered Marcel and we kept talking and I explained how I became part of the BB crew. "Cool, how'd we get someone as cool as you to join us?!" He questioned. I blushed, new to being complimented. "They kidnapped me and I decided to join. Wait- they haven't brought me to the other girls yet!" I realised in the middle of telling him how I got kidnapped and knocked out everyone in the BB crew.

"Wild Piggeh! We gotta hose down the kitchen while everyone's in it and covered in flour. We gonna make them into dough." I ran up to the Piggeh and jumped onto his back. "Wow, okay." Is all he said as he trotted over to the hose outside with me on his back. I leapt off and grasped the hose, giving the signal to Wildcat to turn it on full ball. I blasted the guys and Charley (Kelly was out somewhere) and got them drenched. The whole kitchen and everyone in it was transformed into dough and Tyler and I high fived, laughing at our success.

Time passed and we cleaned up the kitchen. I decided to get Charley, Wildcat and Marcel to bring me to the park. We took Dathi's car without asking and sped down to Mayflower Park. "YAY! Parks!" I squealed and stuck my head out the window. Charley pulled me in and put a seat belt on me, since I forgot it. I could've went flying out the window, but Charley saved me. "Um, can I ask a question?" Marcel asked. "Go ahead!" "Are you girls Single?" Charley burst out laughing and I spat out invisible coffee. "DO YOU THINK WE COULD GET SOMEONE TO LOVE US? MAN, WE LONELY!" I yelled and Charley and I chorused in crying laughter. "Uh, but seriously though, none of us have anyone that were in an intimate relationship, but I've got my eye on someone." I answered Marcel. "Oh, so who do you like, Y/n?" Charley teased, poking my cheek. "IT'S TYLER, ISN'T IT?!" The car froze at Marcel's words. Tyler coughed and blushed, turning around from the front seat to face me. "Uh... oh look, it's the park! Come on, Charley!" I laughed nervously and dragged Charley to the park. The guys tried to follow but I walked up a tree, shocking everyone apart from Charley.

"Hey, are you okay? What's wrong? It's Marcel, isn't it? I can redirect the attention away from you, if you want!" She tried to suggest an idea but I knew it wouldn't work. I heard charleys phone go off, seeing a text from Tyler. 'You two better not be making out up There!' It said. I giggled and walked down the tree. "Hey, help me!" Charley yelled. I'm not gonna help her.

Once I made it down the tree, Tyler walked up to me. Before he could ask if that was true, some brunette with brown eyes and a purple, black and light grey cloak tripped and fell over, throwing a certain bubbly substance on me. He had a red creeper necklace from minecraft and he looked kinda cute, let me tell you! I felt my bones in my body shift and shrink, and I squealed, scared of what was happening. "Ahh! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that!" He said, picking me up. I giggled, seeing Charley fall from the tree I left her in and saw her face plant into the grass. Marcel went to help her and Tyler questioned what was going on. The young brunette boy was named Seto or Jim and he was a sorcerer. Don't ask why I put Seto sorcerer into my book, I did because I had no other magical people I knew of.

I was set onto the ground and I noticed how larger everything else had gotten. They grew abnormally large when he threw the potion at me. "Baby! I mean, Y/N! Oh my God, you're so cute!" Charley squealed and picked me up. "Awa, hewo!" I babbled, trying to say hello. It sounded cute, actually. Did I get younger? "Hewo, Yayey!" I tried saying her name, but it was hard. My h/l h/c hair had gotten lighter and shorter and it was loosely flowing through the wind. I wore a red princess shirt and a little pink skirt. I despised it and gagged, but I didn't really gag.

Suddenly, I was taken into the car. "Awawawa! In a car! Waw! Tywa, hewo! Mawsel! Hewo!" I brainlessly babbled, hoping they'd understand. (Oh wait! Why am I in the car? Tyler, Hello? Marcel? HELLO?!) We arrived home and Tyler grabbed me and carried me inside, immediately bringing me to Mini's room. "Awa! Cwaig! Awa." I yelled and waved my arms about. "Look, you are seriously adorable but I don't know how to take care of children. I need Craig's help, Okay?" He spoke to me as if I were a baby. Oh Wait! I was a baby.

"Hey Craig, I have a problem. Y/n was turned into a baby so could you look after her until tomorrow? The potion chucked on her shoulder wear off by then." Tyler said to Craig. "Awa! Cwaig! Hawdie!" I tried to say 'howdy!' But I failed miserably. "Aww, Okay! She's so cute! Hey, can she understand us?" Craig asked Tyler, earning an 'IDK' in response. "Hey, Y/n? Can you say 'I love you'?" Craig asked. "Awa! Uncle Cwaigy!" I yelled in response. "Okay, you can say anything, she doesn't understand us." Craig said. I mentally sighed, knowing this would be weird.

The rest of the day was just being 'aww'ed at, being dressed up in cute outfits, having pictures taken, being played with by the guys and then causing mischief. Charley just gave me a bath and I was ready for bed. I wanted someone to tuck me in, though. "Awa! Goodnite! Goodnite!" I yelled, hoping to get someone's attention. Wildcat snuck into my room and tucked me in. He kissed my forehead and said "goodnight, love you." He crept out the door, leaving me speechless. And I was a baby, so I babbled a lot. I slept calmly after that, happy that I'll be fine in the morning.

Awa! You're Cute reader-chan!
Word count: 1330 words.

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