Chapter 2 - Road Trip

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Y/n's POINT of VIEW :)

          I woke up by a loud Ying's girliest scream yet. I sighed, she probably just lost an earring or something. Whatever it is, it's definitely not a big deal. I rolled out of bed and landed face-first on the f/c fluffy carpet. I barrel rolled out the door and into Yang. She looked like she'd seen a ghost.
          "Yang, are you okay?" I asked groggily. She looked me up and down and rushed me back into my room, telling me to put on some clean clothes. I groaned, tying my h/l h/c hair back into a ponytail. I rummaged through my closet finding a f/c short sleeved shirt with 'JUGS' written all over it. I pulled out some long jeans and some f/c Nike's. (How do Spell?) I put on some light makeup and strolled out the door, bumping into Bff/n in the process.
          "Hi Y/n! We're gonna go on a drive to (random city), wanna come with us?" she smiled sweetly, Charley behind her. They both wore the same shirt I wore but in different colours. They wore short denim shorts and I didn't believe it was a coincidence that they had the JUGS shirt. I decided to go with them, since I had nothing better to do. May went off somewhere, so I couldn't make her make me some pancakes.
          "Ying! Make me pancakes, woman!" I screeched, tackling her to the floor. She looked pretty shaken, did I scare her that much?
          "S-sure Y/n! But I'll be a moment." She scurried off somewhere, shoving past the other girls. I ended making them myself, since nobody else would help me. Once I scoffed them down, we packed out bags with a torch, food and water, a pocket knife and my pistol.
          We hopped in the car and drove off, Yang and Ying waving goodbye. I pulled out my phone and checked my messages. I had a new message from May, saying she was going out and that she'd be back at 4.00pm. There was also a message from a mystery number. 'Shady' I thought to myself reading it. 'I saw you mug that bank,' it said. I responded with 'Correction, I stayed in the car outside on my laptop' and waited for a response. 'You're friend May is captured in my basement'. I sat there and decided to be a smart ass. '*Your, you dumbass.' I sent back. I then messaged May and she told me she went home early because it got boring. I heard another notification from mystery person, saying 'U fuckcheese'. We kept messaging each other until Bff/n tried to peek at my phone.
          "Ooooh, look who got a new boyfriend!" she smirked, reading the messages I got from him. His name was Craig, and he seemed cool. He's gay though (in the story).
          "He's gay, moron." Charley backed me up from in the front. Bff/n went back to playing Pokèmon GO! and I texted Craig. "Wanna meet up? :)" he responded. I replied with a 'later' and Charley yelled "WE'RE HERE, STOP ASKING!"
          "We're not!" Bff/n and I chorused. We laughed before getting out the car. I pulled out my phone and took a selfie, sending it to Craig. I got "Wait, I think I see you. Stay there." As a response. I stood in a really weird pose, not moving. I glanced around and saw a guy with short light brown hair and glasses waving at me. He had a 'Mini Ladd' shirt on and some jeans. He called my name and I immediately recognised that voice from the fox mask guy from Starbucks.
          "Hey Y/N!" He yelled, running toward me. The girls looked at me strangely and said that they were gonna go explore. I decided to play along, seeing as this guy knows me somehow.
          "Oh hey, sir!" I said, immediately realising afterwards that it was Craig.
          To save myself, I spoke in the most fancy voice possible,"Would you like a cup of drink?"
          "I would gladly have a cup of drink, miss Y/n" he snickered, waltzing over to me and bowing. I curtsied, giggling.
          "What brings you here?" He asked as we both walked to the closest Starbucks.
          "My girlfriends and I were, like, totally hanging out or whatever!" I said in the most white girl voice possible for me. We laughed and joked around a little. It soon got to midday and we had just finished our coffee.
          "Craig, aren't you one of those banana bus guys who broke into Starbucks?" I questioned bluntly. Craig looked shocked.
          "How'd you know, I wore a mask!" He exclaimed, sweating. I explained to him how I trolled him in Starbucks and how his voice and hair gave it away.
          "W-well, aren't you part of the Thingamajigglies?!" He exclaimed loudly. I wasn't really shocked, we didn't wear our masks on the last heist. I nodded, him looking like I just murdered everybody in front of him.
          "I'll tell you something, but you can't tell anybody I told you this." He whispered, dragging me into the forest conveniently placed next to us.
          "Tell me now, please!" I pried, looking at him with puppy dog eyes.
          "Well, the Banana Bus Squad wants to kidnap your crew and then side with you guys." He told me, his voice laced with secrecy. I pretended to zip my lips, lock it and then throw away the key.
          "My lips are sealed, sir!" I saluted him, and he chuckled. We took a stroll through the forest until I had to meet up with Bff/n and Charley. We were too tired to drive back home so we got an apartment. Charley loves new places, so as soon as we got in to our room she ran around and explored like a four year old. Bff/n and I giggled at the childish behaviour before I then got a message from another unknown number.
          "We have kidnapped the twins and were now keeping them in our basement" it read. I corrected them "*we're" and I messaged Ying and Yang and sure enough, they didn't reply. I called them, but it went straight to voice-mail. I sighed and took off my shirt and pants and slept, hearing faint snores from Bff/n and Charley.

Word count: 1069 words

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