Chapter 31 - Cupids Job

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Y/n's POV

I woke up alone, kinda cold and with no blanket. Upon further inspection, I realised I had kicked the blanket off while I was sleeping. I rolled my eyes, chucking on a baggy shirt and some shorts. I didn't bother with my hair, 'meh'ing the brush and waltzing outside. Tyler was talking to Lui and Nogla. A sudden idea hit me for the day, and I smirked evilly without even knowing.

I made a list, with ship names listed and tick boxes beside them. The first one I wanted to try was H20Vanoss, as it was on the top of the list. I laid a plan out perfectly in my head. I'm going to have to practice writing, mostly letters.


I finished writing two letters, each for the lovebirds. I made the one that was for Evan from Jon and the other visa versa. I slid the letters into a box, one labelled JON and the other EVAN. I put the boxes in front of the hut, ticking off H20Vanoss, and I headed to the next ship.

I found Silcel in the forest just walking minlessly. Taking a stroll together through the forest, alone... hmm... I tried to stay hidden, and it worked, and I crept up behind Silent. Nobody knew it was me when Silent randomly toppled over on top of Marcel, accidentally straddling him. 'Whoops' I thought as I ran from the crime scene. I ticked off the ship, going out to find the next one.

I saw that Tyler had left Daithidelui, and I smirked as they stared at eachother quietly. They made no sound, and the only movement was them closing in on eachother, leaning in... well, I didn't have to do anything. I ticked their name off and went to the next couple.

Moo and Annabelle were sitting in a tree together. Now all that's left for it is for them to start k-i-s-s-i-n-g. "Moo and Annabelle, sitting in a tree!" I sang. "K-i-s-s-i-n-g!" I watched as Annabelle turned a bright red. "Stop, Y/n." Brock blushed as well. "Only if you two kiss!" I taunted. "First comes love, then comes marriage, then--" I cut myself off with a squeal as he kissed her. "There, happy now?" He said, rubbing Annabelles shoulder to try and calm her down. I ticked BrockaBelle off my list and headed over to my third last ship.

Mini and Jacob were somewhere around the cabins, I saw them before. I stopped and watched as I saw Delirious open his box. I watched him smile as he read the letter, going to find Evan. Just as he left, Evan found his box and opened it with curiosity. Once he read it, he went to search for Jonathon.

I then noticed Mini and Jake sitting by the unlit campfire. I crept up behind Mini and spooked him, making him yelp and leap into my brothers lap. I smirked watching them morph into firetrucks in front of my very eyes. I ticked the ship name off my list, going for Yailyn and Brian next. They were sitting on the edge of the waterfall, dangerously close to the edge. I mean, I can't spook them incase they might jump off the cliff. Pushing them isn't too easy, as Yailyn's too alert and I can't push Brian, he's too heavy. I need help.

I found Wildcat behind me, watching me watch them. He watched me while I watched them watch the horizon. A lot of watching was going on right now. "Ty, can you shove Brian onto Yai for me? Sneakily?" I whispered my plea. He nodded, swiftly pushing Terrorizer on top of Yai. It looked very uncomfortable from the view. I ticked the ship name off the list and went for the last two girls.

I still don't know who Sophia and Charley like. I need to get it out of one of them so I can be a five star Cupid! "Charley?" I called out for her. She was the easiest to bribe, as I had a bunch of salami on me right now. "WASSUP?" She fell out of the trees, nearly landing on her feet. She toppled over and landed on her butt instead. "Tell me who you like and I'll give you this salami." I waved the meat in front of her face, her mouth beginning to water. She hesitated, before saying something she'd never told me before. "Well, I'm bisexual, right? So I kinda think I like Sophia..." She never told me she's bisexual. That's new, I guess. I tossed her the salami and left to go look for Sophia.

"Mini's Weird Gay Sister!" I called out into the distance. "I HEARD THAT!" Mini yelled. I scoffed. "Over HERE!" She yelled from the lake. I found her attempting to catch a fish. "Slippery bastards..." She mumbled. "Sophie--" "SOPHIA!" She corrected me. "Well, Sophia, can I ask you a private question?" I asked her. "Well, it really depends. Is it about who I like? If it is, then I'd rather not." She said, giving up on the fish. "Uh, No?" I replied, my answer sounding more like a question. "Okay, then ask away." She smiled. "Who are you crushing on?" I asked her. "Oh, why would I tell you? I just told you I wouldn't want you to ask about that subject." She mused. "They might like you back." I said. "She Does?!" Sophia yelled. Before I knew it, she ran off. Does she even know who I am talking about?

I watched the numerous lovebirds and couples stroll around camp, proud of my work. "Have fun playing Cupid?" I heard Tyler behind me. "Yeah, I just feel like I missed someone." I pondered. "Well, what about ME?" He folded his arms over his chest and pouted. I laughed, giving him a peck on the cheek. "That's all I get?" He taunted, pulling me in for a longer, deeper kiss.

If you don't like the ships then I'm sorry. I tried. Friends helped me though. I hope you don't mind the ships.
Hope you Enjoyed!
Word Count: 1031 words.

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