Chapter 28 - Cops on our Ass

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Y/n's POV

Once I woke up, I noticed I couldn't move. I was warmthed by someone's body heat, then hugging me like a teddy. I looked up to see a sleeping Tyler, smiling in his sleep. I smiled at how cute he looked before wriggling out of his arms. I quietly slipped on some jeans and a white tank top and slipped out the door into the cold, frosty air. It happened to be four in the morning, so I took some time to hang out at the lake.

I arrived to see someone sitting by the edge of the stream, a gun by their side. Their saggy brown hair seemed familiar, and so did that grey jacket... I stepped closer, only to step on a twig. A loud snapping sound echoed throughout the woods and the mysterious figures head whipped around. They wore a porcelain mask, with a... poker face.

"... Cry?" I tilted my head to the side. He stumbled back, falling into the stream. Now the stream was deep, so when he fell in his body dissapeared under the water. The current was strong, so it pulled him down the river. He spluttered and gasped as he drifted down the river. As much as I'd love to see him drown, I felt like saving him would be a good idea. So I ran down the stream, following him close behind.

"Help!" He yelled. We were to faraway from the campsite for anyone to hear. I looked ahead and saw a waterfall, an end to his life. I dived in and with out thinking, pulled him to shore. I was now soaked but I'd dry before the gang woke up. "Why'd you save me?" He asked me. I shrugged, walking back to camp. "I suggest you don't follow me. The guys would murder you." I smirked before leaving. I heard him run away.

I made it back in time to see Sophia sneak out of her cabin, and sneak to the firepit. I followed her, intrigued. She lit the fire and threw what seemed to be a photo into the flames, the fire eating it up and processing it in a matter of seconds. "What'cha doing?" I asked her, making her jump. "Nothing!" She said, stomping out the flames. I rolled my eyes. "Okay, whatever--" I was cut off by gunshots. The guys came outside already fully equipped and I pulled out a mini gun from a hole in the ground. I saw Delirious trying to bury it last night. It was fully loaded.

Policemen came into view and I immediately began shooting. We had been found, and we needed to move again. It was foolish of us to believe we wouldn't be found. I guess they brought backup, as numerous choppers and more reinforcements appeared.  I teamed up with Sophia, us both killing police form left and right. Tyler appeared beside us, with Charley as well. We were being pushed into the forest from how many cops there were.

"There's to Much!" I yelled. "RETREAT! Follow the Stream!" I yelled. They obeyed, me grasping Tyler's hand and pulling him along. Charley and Sophia ran alongside eachother, turning back to hit the occasional cop. We soon split up, the girls heading somewhere else. I can only hope everyone else is handling their own. I then remembered the waterfall ending, and the cliff. It was too late though, as we were cornered.

"Tyler...!" I cried out. We had nowhere left to run. "Y/n, I want you to know that I love you no matter what!" He said, pulling me close. The police closed in, slowly and menacingly. "I know, Tyler! I love you too!" I yelled over the gun shots and screams from cops. We couldn't jump off, the fall was too high and where ever we would land, we'd die. I gulped, searching for an escape route. A gunshot pierced the air and Tyler yelled out as his shoulder that had JUST healed had been shot again. "Tyler!" I cried out. "Run!" He yelled. I hesitated, before leaping over the cops and running, police following in pursuit. I looked back to see Delirious and Evan rescue Wildcat, but I still had to run. I weaved in and out of trees, golden bullets flying past my head as I ran.

The cops were gaining fast, almost directly on my tail. I cursed as I stubbed my toe on a rock, but I kept going. I heard Annabelle yell out. I'd help her, but I'd just be leading cops in her direction. Tears stung my eyes and my legs ached, but I kept going. My lungs felt like they were going to collapse in on themselves and I almost couldn't breathe. I felt terrible for being pulled back from helping friends. I couldn't even look in their direction because it would draw attention to them.

I whimpered as I felt a knife dig itself into my arm, most likely a throwing one, and I saw that a couple cops had throwing knives. I roughly pulled it out and shrieked in pain, throwing it back and hitting a bullseye, or a copseye. I tried taking a left turn, but a cliff was there to keep me from running. I attempted a right, but another cliff edge stood in my way. I could only go forward. As much as my legs hurt, I persisted in moving forward. Teardrops slid down my face as I realised I may not get to see my friends ever again.

Tears drowned my cheeks and fogged up my vision as I cried out in pain and sorrow. I couldn't navigate where I was going, but I tried to dodge as many trees as possible. I slowed, rubbing my eyes and seeing the cliffs edge. I was cornered, trapped. Vulnerable. I stepped back, to the edge of the cliff as the cops closed in. They made it sure that I couldn't leap over them, or into any trees. I had no escape apart from death. I sighed, smiling. "Tyler, I hope your safe..." I said, throwing myself off the cliff.

"...There's no way I intend of letting you go, Ma'am."

Hope you enjoyed!
Word Count: around a thousand because I'm lazy and forgot. :/

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