Chapter 5 - PARTAAYYYY!

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          I woke up in my room, in the fluffiest blanket I've ever had. I didn't get up until 10, because I was too busy cuddling the fuzzy blanket to notice the time. I heard my stomach growl, and I suddenly had a craving for some coffee. I tumbled out of bed and pulled the blanket down with me. I crawled toward the door, wrapping the blanket around my body and opened the door. I then slammed it closed because of all the screaming and violent yelling outside the safety of my room.
          After pulling on a new set of clothes and brushing my hair, I decided that it was time to step out into the lounge room. I then felt a beer bottle fly past my head, loud music blaring and people chattering to one another. I then noticed Bff/n giggling with Charley and Tyler in the corner, a glass of alcohol in their hands. Walking over to them, I inhaled the smell of alcohol and sweat and started feeling uncomfortable. Well, how would you feel if you were in a room full of drunk people?
          "Oh, heeeeey guurllll... WASSSSSUP?!" Bff/n slurred, suffocating me in a hug. I hesitantly hugged back, unsure of all of this partying. She wore a purple tank top and some skinny jeans. The glass of alcohol in her hand was half full with most of it on the floor. Damn, she's really drunk!
          "Hey Y/n." Charley murmured, most likely the most sober out of the three. She wore a white shirt decorated in roses and some bootleg jeans. She seemed uncomfortable and she had a glass of water in her hands. Guessing she's not gonna drink.
          "You're FINALLY awake, Y/n!" Tyler yelled and enveloped me into a hug. He wore his normal outfit but his helmet was gone. Mentally face palming, I went to search for Jonathon to continue our recent conversation.
          After a long period of searching, I found him in his room. He was playing his PS4 and he seemed to be playing a platformer game. Whatever he was playing, he was raging hard.
          "F**K!" He cursed, throwing the controller and narrowly missing me by an inch. My eyes widened and I nearly threw away my objective.
          "Oh hey Y/n! 'Sup?" He smiled, leaning back in his chair. I smirked, making sure Evan wasn't here to ruin this for me. My smirk grew as I noticed he was nowhere to be seen. I pulled out my phone and before I could show him anything, some blonde chick came in and flung a wine glass at my forehead. Of course it missed, but it collided with Jon's face and it knocked home out instantly. What's it with things being flung in my general direction?!
          "WTF? What was that for?!" I screeched and glared at the drunk dumbass who threw her glass at Jon.
          She looked... interesting. She's really violent it seems, or its because she's drunk. "Who are you?" I asked, noticing the fire in her eyes. What did I do?! (Idk anything about her, she's Probably really nice!) "I'm Ty-ty's GF" she replies, doing a sassy hair flip. She walked up to me and stuck her caked up face in my personal space. Wow, she even speaks like a sassy 15 year old. Wait- Tyler has a girlfriend!?
          "Okay, hi...?" I said, confused at why she's so pissed off. I don't recall doing anything to make her mad, did I?
          "Tyler's my man, mkay? Don't let me catch you hitting on him again!" Wait, whaaaaaaat?  When did I ever flirt- wait never mind.
          "So I can flirt with him when your not around?" The words left my mouth, laced with a bucket load of sass.
          "No! You can't flirt with him AT ALL!" She hissed, red with anger. Suddenly I heard a phone ringing. She took out her phone and answered it, pressing it up against her face.
          "No, I'm home... yeah sure... of course I love you!... of course baby, I'll be there at 7, will that do?... okay..." I peeked behind her toward Tyler, who wasn't on his phone at all. I was shocked, and decided to sneakily to pull out my phone and recorded the rest of the conversation, getting every detail of this cheating bitch. (Sorreh) Once she hung up, I shoved the phone into my shirt pocket and kept it on record.
          "Hey, you better not get with my baby, okay!?" She growled and tried to smack me square in the face. I grabbed her hand and threw her across the room. She shrieked, jumping at me and clawed the air. I coughed her hands and flung her out the window. I sighed, brushing my hard out of my face.
          "Hey, what was that all about?" I heard a worried voice behind me ask. I spun around and noticed Charley leaning on the door frame. I explained everything, making sure not to miss any details. She sat there and listened, her eyes widening in shock at any surprising parts. She was a good listener and was always there to help you with any problems.
          "I didn't know Tyler was game enough to get a girl." She chuckled and glanced over at the half-concious Delirious, who was waking up. My eyes lit up so bright you could see it from space and I chose to commence operation H2OVanoss. Sadly, Evan came in and pulled me into the hallway closet. He looked reasonably sober, but I could see the wine glass in his hand. He looked at me with puppy dog eyes, hoping I wouldn't continue my mission. I sighed and gave in because I'm not 100% heartless. He smiled and pulled me into a hug, totally ignoring the salty waterfall on my face. After a compromise we decided to come to the conclusion of; I wouldn't show Jon IF he could help me make Tyler's girlfriend jealous. He happily agreed and we planned out the game plan. He knows her name and birthday, which was coming up, and we just stayed in the closet and listed down the things we'd need.
          We would have a party, filled with drinks and games such as Truth or Dare, Spin the Bottle and Seven Minutes in Heaven. We wouldn't get me to do these things, Vanoss would to the stuff with Tyler as I filmed it in the background. Since Tyler was sure to get drunk, he'd probably agree to do these things with Evan. Not only that, but Jonathon would also get jealous. Perfect game plan for me, and nobody will know. YAY!

I have no opinion on Tyler's GF, I just needed an evil crazy chick in this.
Hope you enjoyed. (Not like anybody knows this exists.)

Word count: 1140 words.

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