Chapter 29 - Saviour

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Someone's POV

I caught Y/n, she fainted in my arms. "There's no way I intend of letting you go, Ma'am." I smiled, parkouring from tree to tree. The cops weren't in sight and the only ones were up on the cliff. They can only assume she's dead from the fall. If I hadn't still been around, she probably would've been dead. I guess I owed her though.

I arrived at the guys white pedophile van and lifted her into the back. "Who's that?" They asked. 'Y/n." I said. "You kidnapped her?" I shook my head no, explaining the whole thing. "I guess she ain't so bad after all." I heard someone say. It's hard to tell, I can't see in the darkness of the van. I heard the car start and we were off, driving back to the city.

~~~POV Switch~~~
Wildcats POV

Lui patched up my wound while Everyone else went searching for our friends. The people still lost were Delirious, Charley, Marcel, Brock, Silent and Y/n. I hope she's okay. The last place I saw her was when she was running, around a billion cops following her. I sighed, thinking of her. Where is she? "Man, you okay?" Lui asked me, sitting down next to me. "Where's Y/N? She was being chased by tons of cops last time I saw her, and I don't want to think the worst." I saddened, my eyes becoming glassy.

"We will find her, Okay? Trust me man, she'll be back. The cops can't catch her, right? She's too fast and smart for them!" He smiled, trying to assure me. "It's easy for you to say. The one I love has dissapeared, and you still have Nogla!" I spat, turning sour. Lui sighed and got up. "I'll go search too. Wanna come? I know you're not supposed to be moving around, but..." I got up and ignored the pain in my arm as we began searching.

I came across the place I last place I saw her, the mini gun lying on the wet grass.dead cops lay there, being pushed off the cliff by Lui. I gagged. I then remembered the direction she had run, immediately running that way. Weaving in and out for trees, I saw bullet holes in the tree bark and footsteps marked themselves on the floor. I made it to a cliff, an end to the road Y/n had taken. I saw one of her favourite gadgets, the one to make her invisible, laying in the green grass. Another one of her gadgets hung on a root sticking out the side of the cliff. Numerous other gadgets were wrecked and sitting on the bottom of the fall, me not being able to see anything else.

Tears pricked my eyes as depressing thoughts pestered me, like she had jumped off the cliff and fell to her demise, or the cops caught her and tossed her off. I curled up into a ball and sniffed, tears racing down my cheeks. Y/n, gone in an instant.

Another POV switch~~~
Y/n's POV.

My eyes jolted open, and I felt myself being carried. I saw a familiar pokerface mask, Cry. "Where's am I?" I asked him, seeing Pewdiepie and Septiplier following him. "Well, our van broke down so we need to go to the nearest gas station." He said, looking down at me and smiling. Well, I think. It was hard to tell. "Why did you bring me?" I asked him another question. "Would you rather burn up in the van with Ken?" He answered me with another question. "I guess not." I said.

".... you can put me down, you know." I said. "If that's what you wish, Ma'am." He set me down and I immediately collapsed. I then remembered what happened, falling off a cliff. I should've died, right? "You jumped off the cliff, but I managed to catch you." Cry explained, helping me stand. I sighed, remembering the gang. Are they okay?

"Hey Pewds, don't you hate me or something?" I raised my eyebrow at the swede. "Nah, don't worry about it, Y/n." He waved me off. I smiled, glad to have made friends with them. I then remembered that the police are still looking for me. Or the gang, at least. They probably figured I had jumped off the cliff and met the grim reaper.

We made it to the gas station, and a TV was set up in the top corner. I watched in horror as they put up a death count from when I killed them all. Two hundred and seventy-six. And they think I died too. What moron would think That?! The police force, apparently.

"Let's go!" Cry yelled, carrying a toolbox and a few drinks and food. I followed them back to the van, which was kinda far away. Once we got there, I saw that there was only four seats in the front. How'd I fit? I guess they carelessly chucked me in the back, that sounds about right. I stole a can of soda and chugged it down in a matter of seconds.

"Thirsty, Eh?" Cry mused as Mark and Jack were trying to fix the car. I sighed, watching them bang the car hood with spanners and stuff. "Watch me." I walked over and opened the hood, seeing the gears has gotten tangled in a mix of colorful wires. I moved them so the gears could move, and shut the hood. (I NO NOTHING ABOUT CARS) I dusted my hands and got in the car and watched in amusement as Ken started the car up and drove it around. "Thanks." Pewds said. I smiled, "your welcome. Can you take me back to where I jumped off the cliff? I camped there and I think my friends are worried." They nodded, driving back the way they came despite Felix's complaints.

One more POV Switch~~~
Lui's POV

I watched and listened to the televisions news from Y/n's computer. Everyone else watched with me and we all gasped to see that the reporters showed a picture of Y/n, saying she's... dead. I don't believe it. I won't. I don't think the others will either. The room was filled with sobs and tears, as everyone truly appreciated everything Y/n did, from cheering us up to defending us with her life.

Evan came back, saying the only people he couldn't find were Brock, Y/n and Charley. I hope Y/n makes it out alive, and that the news is wrong. I don't think anyone else thinks the news is wrong though. The tears and cries from them make me feel like the assumption is correct.

She's alive, right? She has to be, for everyone's sake...

Hope you enjoyed!
Word Count: 1136 Words.

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