Chapter 23 - Failed Attempts

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Y/n's POV

"It feels like the world's going to end." Jake mumbled from behind me. He's right, it feels like a dead end and being cornered, vulnerable and alone. "It assure you, we will get through this." I tried reassuring him, but I knew he was right. We came so far, only to be caught like a mouse in a mouse trap. "I hope you're right." Jake whispered. I felt helpless, everyone was down in the dumps and I had no way of helping, as I was joining them. I heard snores from my right, and saw that Tyler was asleep. I smiled and let him use my pillow and blanket.

I stared out the window and watched the landscape fly by, hearing the echo of sirens drift closer. I searched for a red and blue glow in the distance behind us, but I saw nothing. No buildings, no human lifeforms, no movement whatsoever. The beautiful green landscape lost its trees, and turned to a dusty brown as we drove into a lifeless wasteland. I rested my head on the wall and took a calm, relaxing nap.


I woke up to see Yailyn nearly falling asleep at the wheel. Marcel got up and I did too, picking up a tired Yailyn and setting her down where Marcel was once laying. Marcel took the wheel as we drove closer to the next town. It feels like it was just yesterday when I met the guys and chose to join their group. Yet it also feels like an eternity since I had spoken to them. It was almost the opposite feelings, and I began feeling confused and dizzy.

I sauntered over to the back of the bus, hearing the sirens closing in and yet no cops were to be seen. I tried my hardest to search for them, but I saw none. Was I on the verge of insanity already? No, I'd be acting like Charley if I were. Sophia snapped me out of my thoughts. "Hey, if we never make it out alive..." She looked me dead in the eyes. "I want you to know..." She stepped closer. "That I truly, really do..." She was inches away from my face and I was starting to assume the worst. "Really do..." She was pushing me off the cliff of insanity. "Tell me already!" I yelled out, wanting to hear what she had to say. "Really, really, do want you to know that..." She stared me down. "... I want you to know that... I most definitely wish you'd tell me to not fill you with excitement from something that seems so overly dramatic." She said, walking away. I almost threw a grenade at her. Almost.

Craig approached me, the sirens almost deafening now. "Are you okay? Something seems off with you." He asked me. I scratched the back of my neck. "Well, I keep getting paranoid and hearing police sirens, but not seeing anyone else react or see any police cars anywhere." I sighed, most likely for the millionth time today. "Well, maybe taking those earbuds out of your ears would help." He giggled. I ripped them out and the sirens faded almost to nothing, a faint echo of sirens screeching from my earbuds. I sighed and remembered that my phone had a random command to do that. It was kinda broken.

Craig and I laughed for a while, talking and joking around as if we weren't being hunted down by the police, as they tried to most likely murder us. Arresting us wouldn't be an appropriate punishment for us being killers, thieves, robbers and illegal in general. It would most likely be execution, as prison was almost a gift to us from having to run so far away from our abandoned home. I then remembered the girls I used to be with, Ying and Yang, May, Bff/n... they were in the past though, and we're certainly doing better then we were. Charley only came with me because she loved to dive head first into danger, and joining the almost most dangerous gang in the world was very ballsy.

I pushed the thought of the girls out of my mind and brought back thoughts on where Cartoonz, Ohm and Bryce were. Now I'm slightly worried for them. "Hey, Y/n?" I heard a voice behind me. "Yeah? What's up?" I turned around to see Delirious, looking tense and concerned. "You've taken an interest in the back wall of the bus, I see?" He chuckled, his laughter soon fading. "Yes, it's very interestingly made." I giggled, trying to brighten the mood. He laughed and we sat down at the back of the bus.

"Hey, Del, I was wondering about Cartoonz and Co. What's gonna happen to them?" I questioned. "Well, they'll be safe. They don't engage in very many illegal situations and they sure aren't gonna rat us out." He laughed. "They'll be fine, the police aren't looking for them." He shifted in his seat. I guess the thought of being taken away, punished and exposed to the world isn't very pleasant. I sighed and watched as he went to go talk to Evan, who was letting Sophia take over in driving. I felt the bus swerve and cause us to crash into the side as Sophia spun the wheel.

Annabelle took over to drive, as Sophia was seemingly sugar high. I don't think pointing out invisible unicorns and unexistent fairies is very normal. I crept over to the front of the bus, passing miserable slouched people. I finally made it to the front, seeing the microphone that was connected to the speakers of the bus. I picked it up and began speaking.

"Hey, guys, cheer up! We haven't been caught yet, so why be so sad about It? You guys were always up for the chase, or for anything dangerous! Why are you so sad? We will all make it out alive and well, so why bother worrying? I won't let anyone get caught, and that's a promise! Everyone will survive, no one will die, even if I have to risk my own life for someone else's!" I took a deep breath. "As if this fatal mistake will stop us, we always come out on top, right?" Everyone began to cheer up, smiling and cheering. I smiled brightly. "C'mon, we all know I'm right! I'm always right!" I laughed and people yelled out over the cheers, "We only think you've been right this once,  but whatever." Now that everyone had cheered up, my mood didn't fall and it in fact boosted by seeing everyone so happy.

I didn't notice the red and blue flashes in the distance.

Ooooohhhh! I'mma write for a while, be prepared for More!
Word count: 1130 words.

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