Chapter 10 - WHO IS DAT?!

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Y/n's POV

Yesterday was so MAGICAL, wasn't it? Heh, anyway.... I ended up sleeping in, waking up with my messy h/l h/c hair all over my face. I got myself cleaned up, brushing my hair and pulling it into a ponytail and throwing on some f/c tights under some light f/c skirt and a plain dark blue shirt. I walked out into the clean kitchen, checking to make sure we hadn't left any mess behind after yesterday. I noticed Tyler wasn't awake, giving me an idea.

Sneaking to his room, I pulled out a black marker. I slowly pulled open the door and stepped in, not making any sound. I stepped two feet toward his bed, when the floor underneath me creaked loudly. I flinched and saw Tyler stir, but he didn't wake up from his deep slumber. I kept down a giggle and drew all over his face. Black glasses, an inky moustache, extremely dark blush and some dark bags under his eyes appeared as I let my hands glide the black marker lightly across his face. He tried to swat my hand, causing me to nearly fall backwards. I repostured myself and tip-toed out of his room, giggling and covering my mouth.

I made a bunch of puncakes and set most of them on the counter, grabbing a few for myself and shoving them down my throat. Suddenly, my phone beeped and I jumped and choaked on the last of my puncakes. I saw a new message from someone, I saw the name being 'Moronic Smarty Pants.' It was Charley, telling me to come to her place. I wonder why....

I heard Wildcat scream and I silenced my thoughts, seeing a very angry Tyler sprint out of his room. I shoved the black marker into Marcel's hands, running out the back door. Of course, I took a quick photo and sent it to Evan, who was out with Delirious for some reason I don't know of. Stealing Daithi's car, I sped toward Charleys home and hit one person, a few stop signs and a whole lot of street lights. Surprisingly, no cops came after me. Why though? I left behind me a path of destruction- (WHO CARES?! They don't know, it's better off that Way!) Okay, jeez!

I hopped out the car and saw Charley pinned to the wall by a taller and kinda muscular figure who held her busy her throat. I rushed in, tackling the guy and shoving his face to the floor. I took a chance to see who he was, seeing he had one of my friends nailed onto the wall. He had light brown hair and green eyes, covered by black frames. He had a smile like Charley's, with some sharp but short teeth, he's hair went only just past his ears and he had a perfect jawline.

"Jacob?! What are you doing here?" Jacob gave me a toothy grin and shoved me off to pick himself up, then pull me up afterwards. "Lil' sis, you know to call me Jake, not Jacob." He told me, waving a finger in my face. I showed him my middle finger in response, growling and wanting to rip his emerald eyes straight out from their sockets. "Fiesty, as always. Anyway, I want to meet your new friends." I rolled my eyes and took his black glasses from his face, making him jump back from my touch. I shoved his glasses onto my face and glanced over at Charley, who was shoving salami into her mouth like a pig.

"Fine, let's go. I'll show you my friends on ONE condition; you pretend to be my boyfriend for the day." I smirked, thinking he wouldn't agree. "Well, you have a deal, little sis." He slipped his glasses off my face as I stared him in the eye, shocked that he agreed. I sighed and dragged him out to Daithi's car, hearing Charley follow behind. I smelled the salami and sighed harder, knowing David would be mad about grease all through out his car.

Once we got home, Charley sped in and jumped onto the couch, barely missing Basically. "Who's this?!" I heard Marcel and Charley yelled from inside and I laughed. I then felt Jake pick me up bridal style and yell,"TO NARNIA, AKA Y/N'S HOME!" and he sped in, me wrapping my arms around his neck, scared I was gonna fall out of his grip. Luckily, I didn't fall to a painful death and instead, I was placed onto the couch beside Charley. She was hosting a staring contest with Basically. Well, that's what it looked like, at least.

As if by magic (which I'd had enough of) Tyler walked in, the black pen on his face had DISSAPEARDED! Tyler looked at Jacob and eyed him down, Jacob doing the same to Wildpiggy. I did that cough thing in the movies to get everyone to look at me. It kinda worked, Charley and Marcel still were being weird with each other. "Who's that, Y/n?" Tyler asked me, pointing at Jacob. "Ty-ty, this is Jake. Jake, this is Tyler." I introduced them both to each other, noticing Tyler hadn't stopped eyeing Jake down. "Hello, Tyler. You must be Y/n's friend. I'm Jacob, or Jake, and I am her boyfriend." Jake said calmly, combing some loose light brown bangs out of his face. He's adopted, so he didn't look one hundred percent like me. He's also gay, so I'm worried he's gonna start hitting on MY TY-TY.

Tyler looked shocked to see I had a boyfriend. Don't worry, I'd be shocked if I had gotten any type of boyfriend as well. "You have... a BOYFRIEND..." Tyler processed the information carefully. Then Craig came in, seeing Jake resting his chin on my head and leaning on me from behind and Wildcat staring at us mindlessly. "Y/n... who's he? You don't have a brother, do you? You never told me!" Mini looked up at Jake, them starting a staring contest as well.

"Actually, yeah. He's my big brother. He's adopted though." I said, snapping Tyler out of his thinking trance. " he single?" I heard Jake ask me, Craig starting to blush. I turned around to see Jake staring at Craig. I think someone has a crush! This is my new OTP! Okay, aside from Y/nCat, that's my favourite ship.

"Jacob L/n! I nearly said Sattorious. But Still! You don't hit on my friends unless I say so!... you can do what you want, I don't care." I said to Jake and walked to my room. I sat on the bed and then I was reminded of last night, being tucked into bed by Tyler. I blushed, glancing at the mirror to see a tomato staring straight back at me. As if on cue, Tyler opened my bedroom door and stepped in.

"Hey, do you have a boyfriend? Jake said he was your boyfriend, but then you said he was your brother." Tyler said and sat next to me on the bed. "Do you think that I'd get someone to like me? Nah, I'm a single pringle." I said, pieces of my self esteem melting away. "What do you mean, of course you could get someone to fall for you! In my opinion, you are prettier than any other girl that I've ever met. You have a perfect personality and you can brighten any body's day, tt would be impossible to have nobody fall for you!" Wildcat told me, staring me in the eye. I blushed, still not used to being complimented.

"H-how do you know?" I stumbled over my words, trying not to break down into a blushing mess. "Because..." Tyler trailed off, looking toward the door. Then I felt his lips press onto mine, my eyes widening in shock. Oh my gawd, I was being Kissed! I melted into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt like I was in heaven and I wanted to savour this moment. (So many times I winced at this paragraph. XD)

The door slammed open, shocking us both. I heard a squeak and the snap of the camera off of a phone and I saw Charley holding a camera and Marcel behind her, squealing like an idiot. "Our ship has sailed, people!" BasicallyIDoCharley yelled and ran out, followed by a blushing mess of me. This was a... nice day, I guess. It obviously wasn't terrible, it was the best day I've experienced so far, actually.

Omgggggg I can't even believe I typed that! .●~●.
Word count: 1444 words.

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