Chapter 22 - Run

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I guess I should add some sort of story to this, rather then having just some random side stories scattered throughout the book.

Y/n's POV

I was startled awake by a large explosion echoing from the street outside. I equipped myself with an assortment of gadgets and guns before sneaking out, using my stealthy skills to duck and cover from the numerous gunshots coming my way. I saw the guys slur awake through the window and as the girls had slept over too, they woke up from the loud array of guns being fired.

Having nearly being killed isn't a nice way to start my morning, in my opinion anyway, and that concerned me. I called Charley over because she didn't sleep over with us, and we all tried to figure out who would try to murder us.

"It could be Pewdie's gang." Craig mentioned, but I felt that that assumption wasn't right. Their gang only consisted of four people, and there was a little more than eleven people opposing us. "Maybe they teamed with another gang?" Delirious suggested, but I don't think they'd seek help, they're too up themselves. "Maybe someone has beef with us, and we don't know?" Yai commented. That's a possibility. "What if the police found us, and called the military or some sh*t?" Tyler seemingly questioned, and I think that's more so correct.

"If they found us, what should we do?" Lui quivered, and I felt like doing that too. "Well we could just try and fight back, but that's too ruthless..." Vanoss trailed off, aware that were in quite a pickle. "Running is always possible-" Marcel was cut off by Vanoss. "We don't ever retreat from a fight!" He almost yelled too harshly and Marcel shrunk back in his seat. I felt bad, and Vanoss seemed to rethink his words. He didn't take them back or correct himself though.

"...Staying undercover for a while seems like the best option." Vanoss muttered. I sighed and slumped in my seat, saddened of having to back down from a problem. Everyone seemed miserable from being uncovered from the once perfect and mysterious gang that we were. For a kinda short time, anyway.

I trotted to my room and locked the door behind me as I thought about what we'd have to do. We'd have to move as the police know where we are, get fake identities and passports because the police force would plan on us moving to another state, having a new home to get used to and also having to lay low. I'll have to plan this out with Vanoss later.

I felt the kittens, one by one, snuggle into my side comfortingly. Their vibrations and purrs calmed me down as I petted them gently. I sat in deafening silence, hoping no harm would come to the gang.

I recovered my train of thought as I approached Evan in the computer room. "Evan, we will need to move, as I hope you are aware?" I let him know, and he sighed. "Yes, but where to?" He sighed and stared out the window. "Maybe Ireland, or Australia. Maybe England, even." I suggested more and more countries, but he disagreed with every country I brought up. "Then where? I named all the countries in the world and you've disagreed with every single one!" I raised my voice to a more stern level, like a mother's choice of tone toward a misbehaving child. "I just... I don't think staying in one place would be wise." Evan said, running his hands through his raven black hair.

I heard shuffling outside the door, and a familiar brunette stepped into view. Charley came into the silence filled room and closed the door silently. She stepped over to Evan and whispered into his ear. He sighed, murmuring back to her. I couldn't hear them. "Y/n. I need you to help everyone pack up. We're leaving."


I shoved three pairs of clothes into a suitcase, followed by my computer and my hacking phone. I slid my chargers into the case with a spare pair of shoes and my hairbrush. An AK-47 followed and a load of other forms of ammunition also were shoved forcefully into my suitcase. I put the kittens into an animal cage with a bowl of food and a drinking tube full of water attatched to the side. I slid on my sunglasses and a large brimmed hat and checked to make sure I didn't need any more necessities. The toothbrushes and toothpaste were already in the bus, I didn't need my bed, and I remembered to bring a pillow and blanket just in case.

I threw my suitcase in the back and helped Lui and Nogla with their luggage, me being the only light packer. Charley didn't have much either, nor did Yailyn or Annabelle, but they had to go back to their place to get more of their stuff. I went to Wildcats room to see a mess of clothes and random shoes with no pairs. He was trying to zip up an overloaded suitcase. I sighed, neatening the things in the case to let it zip up properly. He carried it out and I helped everyone else. I helped Craig last.

"It's hard to believe that after all our efforts, we are finally caught." He sulked around his room. "It's was bound to come, I just didn't think it would come so soon." I muttered, trying to zip up his overflowing suitcase. Even with my best efforts it wouldn't shut. "Even so, it's still a lot to take in. Don't you agree?" He looked at me, his normally fun filled eyes turning misty and shifty. "... Yeah." I agreed. Thinking over the countless possibilities of what the cops would do with us if we were caught. It has to be something more than jail, right?

The bus jolting to life kicked my head in and interrupted my train of unnerving thoughts. I yelled out in frustration and finally zipped up the suitcase. I dragged it out to the bus and practically flung it into the bus, landing it perfectly in Charley's face. She stumbled back, surprised, and fell to the floor. Sophie and Marcel helped her up and she took the luggage to the back. "Sorry!" I yelled after her. "It's OKAY!" She yelled back. I sighed, combing my h/l h/c hair and twisting it around my fingers nervously. My e/c eyes shifted around the bus, and then took a last glance at the now dull looking house before we drove off. We didn't have anywhere to go, we're just gonna have to drive around from country to country aimlessly, hoping to never be caught.

I listened to some music through my normal, non-hacking phone to calm my tensed nerves. Tyler sat next to me and attempted to calm me down. Truth be told, I'm quite shaken up at this. Our gang was supposed to be strong, confident and smart, leaving the past in a cloud of dust as we sped into our happy future. We never gave up, always stuck together. We encouraged one another and helped eachother in our times of need, but now we all are suffering. A loss of a home, our freedom. I guess the cops would have caught on sooner or later, but this is too soon. My whole body stiffened as sirens echoed in the distance.

... They were following us. They're on our tail.

Well, I am kinda gonna try and update as soon as possible. More then daily, maybe six chapters daily is the max. I have a lot of unused time on my hands, so I'll try and kill any writers block with inspiration. I love writing this book, and I feel this is still a kinda  juicy story. I'm just scared that when I finish, I won't have anything to write. Once I get close to the end, you guys (whoever reads these books and wants more) need to tell me what to write about next! I have a burning passion to write and improve, so feel free to correct me or leave sarcastic comments or ideas anywhere, I always ready every comment. Mostly because I don't get very many.

I hope you all enjoyed!
Word Count: 1389 Words.

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