Chapter 24 - Dreadful News

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Y/n's POV

After that speech in front of a large group, I felt fuzzy. My head was ringing and my eyes flashed blue and red. Wait, why blue and red? And that ringing... its more like sirens. Police sirens. I yelled out to the guys. "We've got company!" I yelled. Everyone pulled out their own weapons and I equipped myself with my gadgets and my AK-47 and as the bus stopped at the side of the road, I rushed to the entrance doors. "Ready guys? Let's destroy these Motherf**kers!" Evan yelled, opening the doors as we poured out onto the road and started a gunfight.

Yailyn dodged and attacked swiftly, taking on three cops. Sophie stabbed a cop with the hand claws she had equipped, attacking two more. Evan and Delirious both used machine guns to take on numerous cops, Lui and Nogla taking some down with combat knives one by one. Mini and my brother were teaming up on a few cops every so often, protecting eachother. Marcel took on three policemen with two katanas and Charley... well, she was doing okay, I guess. Using a bat and stuff was a little too intense to describe. Annabelle took on a hefty amount of cops, Silent helping her out too. Wildcat and I were running around helping everyone else in any ways we possibly could, having eachother backs if they were caught off guard.

I was defending Marcel when I heard someone yell out. I looked and watched in horror as Tyler fell to the ground. I yelled out, but my yells were drowned out by the gunshots and explosions of the fight. I weaved through cops and bullets and finally came to Tyler. He was only knocked out, but had a bullet wound in his shoulder. I pulled him onto my back as I sprinted as fast as flash to the bus.

The gang had finished off the last of the cops, everyone getting into the banana bus. "They probably called in reinforcements, let's go." Evan ordered as he took the wheel. I pulled out the first aid kit and pulled out some tweezers, trying desperately to pull out the bullet. Once I did, I picked up a cotton ball, dabbed it into some alcohol and then did my best in treating the wound carefully. Tyler was still out cold when I had finally bandaged his arm. (Idk doctor stuff.)

I laid him in the two seats we sat in, allowing him to use the pillow and blanket. "Everyone did great out there." I whispered to myself, observing everyone from the back. "You're right." I received a response I wasn't ready for, finding that Lui was sitting next to me. "Though, you did a great job at making everyone feel better! I couldn't have even attempted to try that." He said, smiling at me. I felt comforted. "Heh, thanks." I murmered.

We talked for a while until my thoughts had gradually run out. The only one left was about how many people in our gang would look adorable together. "Hey Lui, do you like someone?" I asked out of nowhere, most likely taking him by surprise. "Uh... y-yeah..." He blushed, looking down. "Tell me!" I whined. He gave in. "....David." He almost whispered inaudibly. I shrieked in delight, being yelled at soon after from Lui. "You're drawing too much ATTENTION!" He yelled. I smiled, standing up and taking a side step toward Nogla, keeping direct eye contact with the squeaker. He shook his head. I took another step closer. "Don't do it." He murmered, standing up. I broke out into a full on run toward Daithi, Lui following close behind.

"DAVID!" I yelled, hiding behind him. I poked my tongue out at Lui and giggled as he slowed down. I snuck away as they talked, ready to do the same to someone else. I came across Charley, who was on her phone. "Hey Charley~~" I purred, sitting down next to her. "You never approach me to talk to me, so this is either important or you're trying to annoy me." She mused, shoving her phone in her pocket. "Probably both." I said, grinning. "Okay, I'm officially creeper out. Tell me please." She faced me. I laughed. "Do you have a crush on anyone~~?" I dragged out the word 'crush' and blinked innocently. She spluttered and nearly gagged, it seemed. "What? No! Never... totally... If I did, I ain't telling you!" She spat. I now am kinda intrigued, but still need to know. "Tell meeee~~" I pestered her. I knew she wouldn't break easily, I knew that for sure.

"I ain't telling you anything, Y/n. Give up." She muttered, her eyes shifty. I sighed, walking away. (If you guys really want, tell me who to crush on.) I walked away, taking her word for it. I found Mini sitting in the corner, reading Midnight, something about a sparkly cupcake vampire or whatever. "Hey Mini!" I chirped. He groaned, sliding his bookmark into his book and shoving it into his suitcase. "What do you want?" He sighed, knowing I'd do something annoying. He was right. "Who are you crushing on?" I repeated over and over. The I remembered I already knew. "Wait, Nevermind." I said, walking away from the blushing mess that was once Mini.

I eventually pestered everyone enough, sitting down behind Tyler and I's seats and admiring his facial features. He's so perfect~~ I snapped out for my quite short thoughts as Tyler stirred awake. "Ty-ty, you okay?" I asked him, hoping I did a good job. "My shoulder feels terrible, but I'm fine. What happened?" He asked me, probably wanting to know. I explained how we were almost caught by the cops and how he was knocked out and how I heroically mended his arm. "Thanks." He smiled, making me feel like I was glowing. He got up, hissing in pain once he moved his arm.

"You shouldn't move around so much, you were shot in the arm." I sighed, sitting next to him. This trip would be fun, I guess. Filled to the brim with danger, fun, probably romance, war, violence, gunshots, and I will love every second of it.

Word count: 1043 Words.

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