Chapter 25 - More People...

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Y/n's POV

After stopping at a nearby gas station for food and water, also gas, we continued our journey. I watched as the barren wasteland started to form patches of green and some trees scattered the landscape. The bus window now showed a healthy array of green grass, trees every now and then and some kids even. We were approaching a town that I didn't pay attention to. I had no clue where we were.

I hopped out of the bus as it parked in a nearby forest. "We need to cover our tracks" says Evan. The bus isn't tracks, it's a bus! We walked with our heads down, occasionally smiling to the closest human being. We didn't want to look suspicious, but we didn't want to be terribly gloomy either.

We all chose to split up, Sophia, Annabelle, Silent, Charley, Yailyn and I were in charge of food supplies. The others went in groups to find other resources. We came across a little corner shop, showing foods and discounts in the showcase windows. Interesting, just what we're looking for. We found some chips, soda, apples, bananas, frozen pizza, pepperoni, milk, fresh water, nutrition bars and popsicles before approaching the cash register.

The line was fairly long, and the employee at the register was a gothic teenager. He was gloomy, was dark, pale and had numerous piercings. He's insignificant to our story, though. The person in front of us looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on it. There was a guy with dark hair and an irish accent, and another dude with dark hair and dark eyes. "Hey man, my Arnold impressions pretty good!" The Irishman said. "Well, let's see it then." The other dude said. "You don't see sound, mister." I butted in. They were super familiar....

"Oh, I think I know you!" The Irish guy said, stroking an invisible beard as if thinking wisely. "Now that you mention it, she fits in perfectly with the guys descriptions!" The other guy sounded surprised. "Wait, you're Y/n, right? And those girls are Yailyn, Silent, Sophie, Charles and I don't remember the other one." The Irish guy said. "That's Annabelle, Brian!" The other guy said. "And I'm Sophia, not Sophie!" Sophie hissed. "I can go with Charles. As long as you say Charles the 3rd." Charley said. "... She's Charley." I rolled eyes. "Hey Brock, why do you remember only her name? The Annabelle girl?" Brian seemed to tease Brock, Brock scoffing. "At least I remembered, unlike you." Brock growled. "Next!" The goth kid yelled. We came up in front of Brock and Brian, despite their protests.

We payed for our food and waited for the guys and I noticed Annabelle was strangely off. Like, blushing and day dreaming. I brushed off the feeling as the guys came out. "Hey, we know Vanoss and the guys, so can we come with you guys?" Brock asked us. I would've said something if Charley hadn't interrupted me, saying "Not more people, the bus is full as it is!" I scoffed. She's impatient, waiting for her pepperoni. I threw some at her and watched her choke it down. "Yeah, you guys can come." Annabelle said. Charley gawked at her, and I nearly did too. Annabelle nearly never spoke.

We strolled over to the guys and Brock and Brian had a nice reunion with the guys before we began walking back to the bus. Charley tried to annoy Annabelle as usual, but Annabelle was in a trance for some odd reason. Oh well, she'll be fine. Charley doesn't need to annoy people and Annabelle is probably tired.

We made it to the bus, but heard someone yell after us. "Arlan!" The guys yelled. Okay, now I know why Charley didn't want to accept the first two guys. The bus will surely be filled after this.

I watched as Annabelle walked into the side of the bus, snapping out of her trance. She shivered and climbed inside, followed by everyone else. I sat next to Tyler, talking to him for a while. Occasional flirts left our lips before I pecked his cheek and walked over to Annabelle. "Hey, you okay?" I asked her. She looked at me, then at the floor. "A very fascinating floor, isn't it?" I giggled, then remembered she's the silent type. Surprisingly enough, she laughed. That's a first.

"I guess I'm just thrown off by the new guys." She said. Her voice was clear, and that was a rare thing to hear. As I previously said, she doesn't talk much. "What if it's ONE of the new guys?" I wiggled my eye brows. She blushed, looking down. Wait- Really? "Which one?" Before she could reply, the bus lurched to the right and we all tumbled onto the floor and into the wall. Groans of pain followed suit. I got up, seeing Brock help Annabelle up. I ship It!

She was blushing, and talking. I'm surprised she got used to him so quickly, even more than that. I wonder how many couples will be made from this BananaMajig crew. (Hint, hint.) I wonder who will be paired up with who... (HINT HINT) I gave up trying to drop the hint and sat down next to Silent. She didn't say much, just messaged someone on her phone. Her red and yellow eyes darted to me, and she shut off her phone. "Yes?" She politely asked me. "Oh nothing! Just wanted to sit." I said. "So you sat next to me?" She said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, and? Can't a girl sit these days?" I rolled my eyes. "Why don't you sit with Yailyn or Charley or maybe your boyfriend?" She looked me dead in the eye. "Uh, okay." I got up and saw her pull out her phone again. I guess she had important business. I shrugged it off and sat with Yailyn. She was staring out the window, not knowing I was there. I smiled. "Boo." I breathed in her ear. She shrieked, almost slapping me. Luckily I dodged, or I would've been a pancake.

The rest of the day I just pondered who would be paired with who. Hint hint.

Clearly I want you to tell me who should be paired together. I need Brian, Yailyn, Silent, Marcel, Charley and Sophia to be paired. Help meeeee

Word count: 1070 Words.

...I'm excited to see who I'm paired with.

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