Last Chapter - Chapter 36 -

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I couldn't see anything, and a throbbing headache drifted in and out of my head, as if playing peekaboo. The room was dark, and I couldn't move. Was I dead? That's a stupid question, yeah I am. It clearly says in bold in front of me. Wait, what?

I noticed the darkness surrounding me had changed to a white room, some of the walls broken down and a sign above my head, saying 'LIFE' and another across the room, saying 'DEATH.' I'm guessing I need to go to the second door. I approached it and thought of how to get out of here, to trick the system. It's easy, do what they think you're doing and then change it at the last second. I was about to slip into the doorway, but I leapt away and saw claws of darkness sprout out and try to grab me. I watched them faze right through me, and realised I had died. I wonder...

I flew straight through the wall, much to my excitement, and drifted to another room. Where in the hell am I? Wait, not hell. I'm too good hearted to go THERE! The numerous murders and crimes I've committed don't count. And the pranks and jazz don't count, either. The white room I had found next had a white desk in the middle and a stack of paper on the top. I saw a sign above it, saying OPPOSITE DAY. And under it in tiny writing, it says 'ANWSER TRUTHFULLY' I smiled. I knew what exactly to do.

I ran over to it, more like glided, and tried to pick up the pen. Harshly, at that. It didn't work, and my hand fazed right through it. I tried again, calmly this time, and I picked it up. I answered the questions truthfully. It's opposite day, and two negatives make a positive, so two opposites make a right. Right? I was right, as another door opened. The words 'LAST ROOM' were printed neatly on the top of it, and I drifted through it. I wanted to get this over and done with, get rid of this horrid headache.

The last room was all white yet again, with a seat in the middle. It had a box of matches and a picture of me and Tyler. I desperately wanted to pick it up, but a faint string was attatched to it, and I knew that that would trigger something. I picked up the box of matches and lit one, and made a mini pentagram in the middle of the room with shreds of the photo, burning it. Once it put itself out, a permanent scar was left behind of a pentagram. A last door opened and a mighty, loud, booming voice echoed around the room, bouncing off the walls and projecting right back at me. "Come here, my child." It said, a large hand coming through the light. I took it and let myself be dragged into the light, feeling something in my back.

~~~Alive Tyler's POV who's most definitely alive.

I rested my head in my hands as the court judge yelled out to hush the crowd around us. "Silence! Now, you all think you know the consequences you shall receive after what you've done..." He announced, and watched us nod our heads. "But, as Miss L/n was one of the gifted beings to all, you shall leave without any consequences." My head jolted up, surprised. It's not normal to let us go after all we had done.

"Judge Cole, what--" the Court muttered, and another echo of 'SILENCE' bounced around the room. "Miss L/n was one of ten who were related to the leader of a special company, and the money her brother had spared with us is enough to get you all out of jail for another three of the amount of crimes you all committed. Therefore, by whatever judges say, you have been released." He said, booming his voice across the room.

"What do you mean, we deserve a punishment more than jail, more complex, and yet you let us off the Hook?" I looked the judge dead in the eye. He stared me down, and I felt my legs turn to jello. "Do you want to go to jail and waste Y/n L/n's money?" He asked me, raising an eyebrow. I slumped in my seat, sighing. I assume there's a more complex reason for us to be let go.


The court session ended, and we walked out with people trying to murder us with telepathic power. As if us humans had any. I felt somebody's hand graze the back of my head, and I saw Jake behind me. "You almost got us arrested, and made my father's company BROKE!" He hissed. I looked away. "Sorry." I mumbled. He patted me, having being taller that me. He's a goddamn giant. "It's fine, my father wouldn't mind anyway." He smiled. Wouldn't mind? Who in their right mind wouldn't- Nevermind.

"Where's your dad, Anyway?" I asked out of curiosity. He shook his head. "Gone." He said, his smile now strained. I said nothing more, just followed the gang. "Anyway guys, we are HERE!" Vanoss yelled, pointing to a large mansion. It was worn down and needed a lot of work. It looked haunted with its broken walls and cracked windows, with all the vines and moss crawling up the sides. "Let's get to fixing!" Everyone yelled, and I slumped behind everyone. From now on, it will be hard to get me to smile. It feels like part of me is gone, wrecked and scarred. I already miss her, Y/n... A squawk echoed around the mansion and Oblivion glided around it, knocking me out of my thoughts. Time to clean

Yep. End. I strictly told myself, IT HAD TO BE REALISTIC, CHARLEY, but I can't be real. So it's turned unreal and kinda fantasy related. All well. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I will see you all... in the sequel which will be out Soon! Thanks for reading, and I really do appreciate everything. See Ya! :D
Word count: 1035 words.

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