Chapter 17 - Help Arrives ( I THINK )

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Y/n's POV

Waking up with a startling shriek isn't the most settling noise to awaken to. Opening my eyes, I noticed that the couch had been moved. Actually, it was upside down, with the coffee table on its side. The walls plaster was damaged and a large hole replaced my favourite photo of the gang. I, clearly, wasn't in the photo.

I saw Mini rush to my side and he went straight ahead with examining my neck, wrists, heartbeat and eyes. I was shaken from last night's events. Having a maniac break into your house and take someone who you describe as your dearly beloved, knocking you out in the process. I found my phone and immediately texted Tyler. I sprinted over to my laptop to begin tracking his phones location. It was in Pewds territory. After a series of probably retarded messages, we agreed that I'd give them Jack in exchange for Tyler. Now onto kidnapping Jack... Wait, didn't I tie him to the Roof? Can humans survive that long without food?!

I got changed, didn't bother with a shower, tied my hair up messy and shoved my guns and mask into my bag with my two phones and a laptop and I rushed out to the town plaza. I forgot about a car, though. Thingamajigglies. I had to high Jack someone's vehicle. Meh, I don't care.

I came across a girl in a nearby coffee shop, wearing a black tank top and black ripped jeans. She had unnaturally purple hair and light brown eyes that hinted fun. I approached her, ready to pick pocket her keys. I needed to be casual though, so I waited in line behind her for a drink. "Hi, I just ADORE those white high top sneakers! Where'd you get them?" I randomly brought up shoes, at least I didn't try the weather topic, it looked too dull outside.

"Oh, these?" She whipped her head around to face me and stuck her foot in the air, jokingly posing as if her picture was to be taken. She even did a hair flip. I snorted at her behaviour. We were cut off by a slutty, clumsy waitress spilling dark coffee over her once white high tops. We gasped in sync, slapping her simultaneously and sauntering off. After, we sat on a nearby fountain.

"My shoes! Whyyyyyy" She complained and threw her head back howling. Truly, I felt so bad for her I nearly stopped my mission. "I might need to make your day a little worse..." I muttered, pulling out my gun and holding it to her head. She just smirked. "You are SO wrong." She smiled and pulled out duel knives and held them to my sides. I bit my lip and shaking lowered my gun. "I see you need my car keys." She mused, twirling her knives in her hands. How did she KNOW?

"Umm... yeah, I need a ride. To save a friend." I muttered quietly. "Let's go on a mission, then! How about we both go on a rescue mission!" She cheered, dragging me to a nearby purple tesla (idk) and we drove off, plotting to take back what is MINE.

We arrived at a secluded cottage, looking worn down as heck. "Why are we Here?" I asked her. "And why did I jump into a car owned by someone I don't know the name of?" I also asked her, fiddling my fingers. "Oh! Introductions. Fine, I'm Yailyn Justice. You're Y/n L/n, right?" I slowly widened my eyes. How can she know this?!

"I can read minds." She told me. Did she know I was thinking that? "Yes." She said. Okay now she's really scary. "Not like I'll use this to do something to you, no need to worry." She said, taking on a comforting tone. I smiled and we walked inside. Wait- she didn't tell me where we are and Why! >:(

"Uh why-"" I need my weapons and my cool Suit!" She cheered, shoving me to sit down. "... Don't you already have your weapons? Your knives?" I asked, watching her rummage through a box of sharp knives. I'm surprised she didn't cut herself. "I want my throwing knives, too!"
She yelled, then she yelped from pricking her finger on a knife.

While she was doing something in another private room, I received a phone call. The caller ID was unknown, scaring me a little. Answering it, I said "Hello?" And hoped for the best. "Hi, can you put Craig on? I need him." Said a feminine voice from the other side. What did she want with him? "Excuse me, who are you?" I asked her. "... Sophia, remember? Craig's twin sister." She said as if it were obvious. "I've never met you before." I stated. She hung up and within seconds a knock rang through the house. "Answer It!" Yailyn yelled. I rushed to the door and swung it open, revealing a girl around Craig's age, with red hair with blonde ends. She looked strangely like Craig. She wore a long sleeved, teal coloured t-shirt and white short shorts, with pink runners to top her outfit all off.

".... who are you?" She asked me. I eyed her down menacingly. "The phone number you called just now." I said, aggravated. "Wait, you're a NUMBER?" She asked, seemingly surprised. I became more than aggravated and rang Mini. This is his twin sister, after all. He answered, with, "Hi, is my relative anywhere over there? If not, then what's the point of calling me?" "It IS your relative! She asked for you, you better come here RIGHT NOW." I hung up and waited.

Soon enough, Craig's car pulled up and he stepped out to be tackled by Sophia in a bear hug. They both chorused in laughter, both laughs sounding similar. I sat back and watched the tender reunion when I remembered that I never gave Mini the address. Heck, I don't even know the address. I just sighed and didn't question it further. Yailyn came out, a lot of knives being shoved into a satchel. "Well, well, who's these people?" Yailyn asked me, standing beside me. Other than our conversation and the casual car honking every now and then, all you could hear was two girly squeals.

After they were finished, we took Craig's car to get to the douche bag thieves base. They stole what's clearly mine, and I'm here to get it back. ... After we get some ice cream.

Yay! You can still add yourselves in, I'm still up for new characters! :3

Hope you Enjoyed!
Word count: 1103 words.

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