Chpt # Trainee Corps

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Louisa's POV

"We've arrived," Erwin tapped my shoulder. 

I started fluttering my eyes rapidly. It felt like a big giant lamp was right at my face. What could this bright light be? What lamp would make such a bright light? I squinted my eyes and faced the distance above to see the ceiling covered in bright blue. 

Was this what they called the sky? That bright lamp that shed its light throughout the horizon...What do they call that again? The sun? Those white smokes in lumps? Clouds were they? I was astounded by the new environment that I couldn't utter a word.

"It's your first time seeing the sky??" Erwin asked as he gazed up and stared at the clouds that passed by.

Swiftly my eyes turned away and looked at the stone pavement we stood on.  I wondered if my decision wasn't bad as I thought.

Who knows I can turn the whole situation around.

 I nudged Liyah and Shinamy to wake up, "Oy, wake up you blockheads," but they weren't listening.

Why bother. I took their bag and jumped off the wagon towards the training facility.

"You two girls better wake up or you'll get left behind!!" Hanji shouted and took the job to wake up the two.

"Gahh!! Don't scare us like that!" Liyah shouted.

"Is it morning already? bright, haven't seen the sun for years!" Shinamy guaffed happily.

I continued walking without looking back until I reached the registration table, outside the camp. Two guards on both sides of the gate and a women on a chair in front of the registration table.

"Oy! Louisa- I mean Louis, wait for us!" Shinami called and ran towards me with Liyah.

"Name," the woman stated with a pen and paper on hand, and beside her was uniforms. I hope I can find one my size.

"Louis," I answered as Liyah and Shinamy stood beside me.

"Full name, please" the woman looked me with an unpleasant look.

I bit my lip as I thought for a second. If I'd tell that I'm an Ackerman, that will give a clue and they'll find me as Aniki's sibling, even the name Louis can be already a clue. Dang it.

"We can't wait all day~" the woman tapped her pen on the table impatiently.

I rolled my eyes in response. Let's then pick what ever comes in mind then, to get this over with. 

"Louis Schatten," I answered.

She looked up and squinted her eyes towards me and raised a brow in suspicion. It seemed that my name didn't sound  believable enough. I just raised an eyebrow in response.

"Are you sure that's your name?" she squinted her eyes smaller.

"It sounds stupid right? I was thinking to change it...but might as well tell my true name," I answered and crossed my arms

"Age," she stated.

"14 years old," I answered and she gave me the same look again. Is this a joke?!

 Eventually she gave me a set of uniforms after a few more questions. Quietly I  glanced at the two and went inside. I inspected the uniform as I waited.

"Shinamy Nohimate."

"Liyah Elleon."

The uniform looked small...small enough to fit me if I would guess.

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