Chpt # Over My Dead Body

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Louisa's POV

Being the rear guards our job was to prevent any titans to raid the rear duh.

Top priority was to protect the residents of trost and made sure they were successfully evacuated.

Me and the squad were on top of the rooftops. Ears peered through the distance for any chance of any titans or up bringings on the rear. Other squads were jumping and swinging around the place but our leader ordered to stay not too far from the gate.

I was at the far edge of the roof with Mikasa while the squad were chatting among themselves behind us.

I quietly unwrinkled my leather jacket as Mikasa stared at the horizon where the smoke and steam were mixed among the buildings. That's where Eren and Liyah are. Shinamy's part of the supply team.

Our atmosphere between us was awkward and dull which was unusual. Both of us weren't in the bestest terms at our first meeting but we've talked and hanged out from time to time.

One thing I really found out about her, she's easy to read.

"Worried?" I walked up towards her.

Her livid eyes gave me a quick glance and then soon went back at the horizon once more. Slowly, she nodded in response.

I wondered if I should be blunt, that we couldn't be sure if they're alive or should I comfort her that everything would be alright.

However, let's be honest we can't change the fact that reality's cruel as f*ck. It would do whatever it liked to do to play with our lives.

I turned to the side and rubbed the back of my neck in annoyance. When did I decided to care crap like this.

A sigh left my lips and I decided to leave her be, but before I could walk away, my gaze detected a big head poking out from the roof tiles from the east. It was approaching close to the gate.

"North-East, one titan spotted."

"South-West, one titan spotted."

Me and Mikasa glanced at each other. We made sure both of us weren't giving the same directions or if we spotted the same titan.

"The one on the South-West is running on a fast speed towards us Sir!" one of them explained as she looked through her telescope.

"The Titan on the North-East is almost near the gate! And the residents haven't fully evacuated yet!" another one with a telescope added.

Our squad leader bit his lip as he forged a plan. In mere seconds, he lifted up his head, "Let's divide the the squad into three, one to take the north-east and the other to take the south west. Everyone! Move out!"

Mikasa, the squad leader and a superior went to the titan to the west as I and two others headed to the east.

"I think we won't be able to catch up before it reaches the gate!" one of our superiors pointed out.

"Head to the gate as fast as you can, I'll handle that chunk of meat," I replied.

As quickly as I could, I placed the blades of my swords back to the blade carrier and detached it from the sword grips. With nothing else to drag my speed down, I quickly dived down, to the streets.

Instead of jumping from the roof tops, I went hovering just above the streets. Being between tons of buildings gave me a better access to struck my wire without being too conscious where to hit my hooks.

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