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Louisa's POV

The two pulled me to Mikasa's room. They opened the door to see Sasha and Shinami sitting on the floor.

"Your alright!" Shinami shouted and stood up from her sit. Ok, I'm not a lemon for you guys to squeeze. I dodged her hug attack and said "No hugs"

"But I miss you" she cried.

"Well, you can say it by words but not by-" two arms wrapped around my body suddenly, I turned around to see Liyah hugging me, Oh no, no, no, no.

Not this one.......

"Yay Liyah!" Shinami rejoiced happily and ran towards me with arms opened wide.


The two squeezed me like I was a wet cloth to them as the tried squeezing out the excess water. Someone.... help me, I'm gonna die in suffocation.

"Ok that's enough" Mikasa pulled them away from me. Mikasa, how can I ever repay you... I'm safe.

"What are you guys doing anyways?" I asked as I tried to catch my breath.

"Were playing truth and dare" Liyah answered.

"Truth and dare? What game is that?" I asked confused.

"Mikasa made it up! She said she played it with Eren when they were kids" Shinami answered.

"How do you play?" I asked.

"We'll be picking a person and ask them truth or dare? When truth we'd ask question about you and you have to tell the truth and when you choose dare, we'll dare you to do something and you have no other choice to do it or consider the consequences" Mikasa explained.
This sounds like a dangerous game....

"Hello?? It's my turn!" Sasha shouted.

"Oh right, right, so truth or dare?" Shinami asked as we all sat on the floor. It's good that it's a clean floor... or I'd leave for sure if it was dirty.

"I choose truth" Sasha answered.

"So how are you with Connie?" Shinami asked.

"What do you mean? We're fine of course" she answered.

"I mean is he doing anything particular? Like something happened special between you two?" Shinami asked.

"Well he always gives me food, that's why were best buds!" She smiled.

"Your so, dense..." everyone said... including me.

"What do you mean dense!? Ok my turn to choose! Liyah truth or dare?" She looked at Liyah with excitement.

"Um... I guess truth?" She answered.

"When are you gonna confess to Armin" Sasha sneered...

This got all of our attention to her.

"H-how did you know I like Armin!?" She blushes and glared angrily at me and Shinami.

"Do I look like a person who tells secrets without permission?" I answered, not changing my expression.
"It's pretty obvious you know... since in the training corps.... Armin was so dense to even realize it" Sasha laughed.

"Dense people are dorks" she added.

"Said the person whose dense herself " Mikasa whispered.

"Enough blabbering! Answer the question Liyah!" Sasha said.

"Well.... I dunno, I don't have the courage.... to" bit by bit her voice turns quieter and quiter..

"Awwww, Liyah.... your soo cute when you act that way!" Shinami said in awe and started hugging her like she's Liyah's a cute puppy.

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