Chpt # Enough Strength

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Louisa's POV

I looked at the titan as it stared at Connie wherever he went. I sat on a nearby boulder just in front of the Titan and took the time to rest. NO I didn't want to... they forced me.

I'm not even comfortable with my position in every way. Why? because I'm wearing a skirt! I usually wear my black pants but because Liyah didn't did a good job...our clothes must be still soaked and wet hanging on the wire. I shouldn't have trusted her to wash them and because were forced to wear casual attire...I was forced to wear a skirt. it was from Krista....the only thing I appreciated is that she gave me a long skirt....but still it would be better if it were pants...kss..

"Connie, any survivors!?" Reiner asked as he approached him.

"None" Connie replied as he carried the torches we were about to use during the night.

"No one survived.. it's the end.. there's no one anymore.." he said in a flat tone.

Reiner grabbed his shoulder as he tried to comfort him with Berthold just watching them.

"Hey, there's something strange about this place, did anyone see dead bodies around?" He asked.

"So you noticed that too.. I thought I wasn't scouting the area too well" I replied.

"Is this even possible?" Shinami asked.

"For Titans to destroy a whole village without leaving a single drop of blood left behind? I don't think so" Gergel answered.

"So that means they all managed to escape in time!" Rene replied.

"I see...that's gotta be it!" Connie lightened up as he heard the possibilities.

"Yah it's unbelievable to think titans ate everyone without a single blood shed" Rene replied.

Gergel turned around and our eyes met. Even with just a single look I could tell he was hiding something. He walked towards me, our eyes haven't averted.

"You saw it too...didn't you?" He asked in a soft voice, not to let the others hear.

"It's the stables isn't it?" I answered.

"If the entire village was really evacuated...why would titans obliterate this houses with nobody in them...and what really boggles my mind is the stables...if they tried to escape without horses, the chances of survival would be slim" He explained in a soft tone.

"Whatever happens Connie should not see those stables" I replied.

"I was thinking the same thing" Gergel said.

"Hey is everything alright there?" We heard Shinami's voice as she groomed the horses.

"Everything's fine, everyone got their torches? Let's move" he ordered.

Everyone started to move to their horses.

"Our mission now is to locate and assess the breach in the wall!" Gergel ordered.

"Yes Sir!" Shinami and the others replied.

I stood up and walked towards Cross, and sadled him up.

My son....look how much you've grown..

Another voice....more clear this time though. there someone still alive here? It might not came from my head. I looked around as I tried to get on Cross' back. There no one under rubbles..all that's left are us and that...titan.

Tsk whatever, what's important that the voice disappeared already. I followed the others, I was behind Berthold.


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