Chapter 5

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Sean open the door and everyone is looking at me now."What are you looking at, huh??"i say."You look so cute, stitch"Jaden says.
I just smile. I see Jaden sit next to Rose and hold her hand."Is there a couple over there??"I glare at those two.
"No, we're not a couple"
Rose says and she drag me to the other side of the room."Hey, why did you say that??You know I love Jaden, but please don't tell him. I'm begging you."She says with a worried face.
"Why do i have to do it?? You two look perfect together. You should date."
I say with a serious look, but i'm joking. She hits my hand, "Don't ever think of doing this.If you do it, i'm going to kill you". "Ok ok"I say."What are you talking about??"Jaden asks."Nah, nothing. Please bring her back to her seat." I says. Jaden holds her hand and walk back to their seats. I'm happy if they become a couple. I stand there for a minute and i see Sean is walking toward me."Let's sit down and eat something, Miracle"he says. I go and sit near Julian. Sean sits between Jenny and Lani.
Why does he sit between those bitxhes??I'm so jealous right now, but i can't do anything. I just sit there looking at 3 of them cuddling. It like a volcano in my heart will be erupt soon. I hate seeing him cuddle with other girls. On the other hand, i'm really happy because i see Jaden cuddles with Rose. They look like a real couple. Wish them date soon.
After we finish our late night snack, we talk about what we will be doing tomorrow. "Let's go to the movie theatre. I want to watch something scary"
Dylan says. "I don't want to go. I don't like horror movie. If you guys want to watch, then go without me"I says."Don't break your promise, honey. You have to go no matter what"Julian says."Ok ok, i go". I decide to go because i don't want to make them disappointed.
To be honest, i afraid of horror movies. After we done talking, we go back to our room and have a sleep.

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