Chapter 30

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I open the door and walk in quietly. They still on the bed. I walk to their beds and pull their blankets one by one, but they pull them back from me. I walk to the door and lock it, so no body  can come in because i have to yell.
"GET UP YA ALL, IT'S TIME. WE HAVE WORK TO DO."I yell. Jaden is the first one who get out of the bed and run as fast as he can to the bathroom."Why don't you tell us sooner??"he yells.
I don't say anything and sit down on Sean's bed.
He still on his bed.
Someone grabs my hand and i turn around. It's Sean.
He pulls me into his arm and hugs me so tight.
"Let's me go, Sean."I say trying to get away from him. "Just 10 minutes, please"he says. I stay still in his arm doing nothing.
I really love the way he hugs me right now. I want it to last forever.
Suddenly, he put his hand on my cheek. I put his hand away, then he holds my hand so tight. I can't do anything because he holds me so tight. Suddenly, he kisses my nose. It's a bit disgusting. I look at him and he smiles at me. I hear a sound the door. Jaden is ready. "Guys, get up"Jaden yells. "Come on, we have work to do."I yell. "Ok, fine"
Sean says letting me go.
Jaden and I wait for Devin and Dylan for about 20 minutes. After everyone are done, we talk about our plan. Then we leave at 8:30.
At the hotel:
"Good morning, guys" Rose says walking into the room.
Then Jenny and Lani walk behind her. "Good morning, my beautiful girls" Julian say smiling so bright (His smile is brighter than the Sun) "Wait, where is others??"Rose asks.
"Uhh, They went out a few minutes ago." Dylan says.
"When will they come back??"She continue asking. "I don't know."
Dylan say. "Let's go and have breakfast together."
Julian says and they all leave the hotel.
Jaden, Miracle, Sean and Devin Moment:
"Shall we go to the beach first??"Jaden asks. "What?? Aren't you hungry?? We're not yet having breakfast."
I say. "Ok, then. Let's go and have some breakfast." Jaden says. We go to the restaurant near the beach and we have a great breakfast. Then we leave.
It's 9:00 in the morning. We go to the beach.
"Wow, it's so beautiful. I wish someone will be here with me."I say. "I'm here."
Sean says holding my hand and smiling at me. I look at him and smile."Ok, guys, let's go back to the hotel. We can't leave the hotel a whole day." Jaden says.
We all go back to the hotel.

It's been so long that I didn't update my book.
I was so busy.
I'm so sorry.

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