Chapter 29

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It's 6 o'clock and everyone isn't ready, yet. I wonder why everyone take a very long time to dress up.
It's 6:30 and some of them still in their rooms.
"What the hell are they doing??"I say standing near Jaden in front of the hotel.
Well, only Jaden, Rose, Devin, Julian and I are ready. And the rest are still in the hotel. 10 minutes later, they all walk out from the hotel.
"Wow, are you going somewhere else??"I ask Jenny and Lani.
I hate the clothes they wear.
They don't say anything. They just stare at me like they're going to kill me lol.
"Let's go. We don't want to be late at the movie because it starts at 7:30."
Devin says. 15 minutes later, we arrive at the movie theater. We have already book tickets.
We buy popcorn and cokes.
I sit between Jaden and Sean. Jaden and Rose always sit with each other.
I'm jealous at them.
Everyone go to their own seats. Thanks god. No one sit near Sean. I'm so happy because no one will disturb us (Dreaming again lol)
"The movie is starting."
Sean says with a scary voice. "What the hell??
Horror movie again??"
I whisper. "Don't worry, babe. I'm here."he says putting his hand around my shoulder and my head is on his chest. WTF, why did he do this again. It makes my heart melts you know. Every time there's a scary scene, i always hug him tight and he hugs me back. Sometimes he kisses my forehead or cheek.
That's too much for today.
I feel so much love right now. It's 9:30.
Oh my godddddd, we spend 2 hours at the movie theater. And now everyone is hungry. We leave the movie theater then heading to the restaurant nearby.
We all take seats and order some kinds of foods.
We all are very happy.
It's nearly 10:30. It's time for us to come back to the hotel.
We arrive at the hotel and we go back to our own room. I go to my room and take a shower.
After taking a shower, i decide to sleep. But then I remember that i have some works to do. I walk out of my room with my pajama and go to the boys room.
I knock the door and see Julian comes out to open the door.
"Are you guys sleep, yet??"
I ask looking inside to see if they fall a sleep, yet.
"No, we're not. We still playing around."Julian says smiling. "Can i come in??
I have something to tell you guys."I say and Julian pulls me in. "Hey, guys."I say and they all look at me in confused. "Why are you here at this late hour??"
Dylan asks curiously.
"Well, i have something to tell you guys and it's about Jaden."I say and everyone turn to look at him.
"Well, i need your helps.
I want to confess my feeling to someone tomorrow."
Jaden says and everyone smile like an idiot. I chuckle and they glare at me.
"So, what do you want us to help??"Sean asks.
"Well, i'm going to decorate candles into heart shape with different colors. And i want to have some fireworks. I want to confess at the beach."Jaden says.
Everyone nod their heads as a sign of agreement.
"Tomorrow i'll leave with Jaden and Devin first. The rest of you stay at the hotel." I say. "The hell no.
Why do i have to stay at the hotel, too?? I don't want to stay, i want to go with you guys."Sean is the one who argue about it, but the others agree with my plans.
"You should stay because you and Jenny look so sweet every time and cuddle everytime you're together."I whisper.
"What did you just say??"
Sean asks walking toward me. "I didn't say anything."
I say looking away.
"Don't lie. Tell me what you are saying."he says hugging me and pull me into his arms."Ok ok, i'll tell you.
I said that you don't have to go with us. Jenny is here, so you can cuddle every time."
I tell him, but i lie some part. "Are you jealous??" Sean asks chuckling. And everyone is laughing at us.
"Why the hell do i get jealous??"I yell at him and he hugs me so tight that i can't breath. I'm sure he wanna kill me.
"I'm so sleepy. I go to sleep first. Bye, Good Night."
Devin says and walking to his bed. And the other three also going to sleep.
They leave me alone with Sean. Why the hell did you leave me alone here??
"Let's sleep together, baby" Sean says smiling.
"What?? The hell no. I go back to my room, bye."
I say ready to leave, but he pulls me into his arms.
"You can't leave right now.
Stay with me for an hour"
Sean says pulling me into the bed with him.
Oh Jesussss, it's my second time that i sleep with him although it's not a long sleeping time. He hugs me tight and he lip is on my forehead. I suddenly close my eyes and fall a sleep in his arms.
*Ring, Ring, Ring*
It's an alarm clock. It wakes me up and i see myself fall a sleep in Sean's arms.
I get out of the bed and run to my room before i wake them up. The hell, we slept together that night??
Oh my godd, why did i fall a sleep??
It's so embarrassing.
I run to my room, open the door and jump on my bed.
Then I fall a sleep again for about an hour.
I wake up at 6, but i don't take a shower, yet.
I spend 1 hour on my bed playing with my phone.
It's nearly 7:30. I leave my phone charging and go to the bathroom taking a shower. After i'm done with everything, i leave my room and go to the boys room.

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