Chapter 12

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We don't go straight to the restaurant. We go to the park to release stress. We walk around the park for about 15 minutes then we head back to the restaurant.
Everyone is in the restaurant. When we go into the restaurant, everyone is looking at us.
"Where have you been??" Sean is the first one to ask.
"I went to the park to release some stress."I say.
"Why don't you tell us??You leave first without telling any reason and you're late. Don't you know that we worry about you??"Sean says worriedly.
"I'm sorry."I apologize.
"Let's sit down."Jaden says as he walks toward Rose.
There're two places. One near Jaden and another one is between Dylan and Sean.
Jaden sits near Lani and Sean sits near Jenny.
Rose sits next to Jaden.
"Dylan, can you move to that seat?? I don't want to sit over there."i ask him.
He just moves with curiously, but he doesn't ask me any questions.
"Why do you sit here??It's a seat for Miracle. Move back to your seat."Sean talks to him."She's the one who ask me to sit here. Want me to go back to my seat, ask her." Dylan says. Sean doesn't say anything. He just sits and stares at me.
The food finally arrive. We all enjoy it. After we finish our dinner, we talk about what we should do next.
"Do you guys want to do anything or go anywhere?"
Devin asks."Let's go to a club."Jenny says this terrible idea."What??Club??
Why the hell do you want to go there?? I'm not going."
I say which make everyone look at me."Me, too. I don't want to go to the club. You guys go and hang out without us."Rose says.
"We not yet say that we want to go to the club. Why did you guys react so fast??"Julian says."I think that you all will be happy if you go to the club."I says and look down."If you don't want to go to the club, where do you want to go??"
Jaden asks."Me?? I don't know. I just want to go for a walk and enjoy the beautiful view here."I tell them and smile which make them know that i really want to go for a walk.
"Ok, let's go. Let's go for a walk together."all the boys says. I feel good when they agree to go for a walk with me.

I'm In Love With Sean CavaliereTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon