Chapter 9

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I go into the bookstore. I walk around and find some books. I also buy some books for Rose. She loves books, too. Sean just walk around and look at the books."Sean, do you want to buy any books??"I ask.
"I don't need books because i can read with you."he says as he smiles at me. Oh my god,he want to read books with me.That's like a dream. After we pay for the books, i call Rose to know where she is. "Baby, let's have some ice-cream. I want to eat ice-cream."
"Ok, let's go"i agree with him because i want to eat ice-cream, too. We buy Vanilla and Chocolate ice-cream.Mine is chocolate and Vanilla is Sean.
"Wow, that's delicious."I says."Really??Let's me taste it."he says and bite my
ice-cream."Umm...that's mine, and I already eat it."I say as i look at him."Oh! I'm sorry. How about you eat mine??"He says."No thank"
I says."Just one bite, ok??"
He asks me to eat his ice-cream."Umm...Ok"I say and eat his ice-cream. I eat his ice-cream and he eats mine. It like kissing. I feel like i win a lottery. I wish it's a real kiss, lip by lip.
"Hey, you two eating ice-cream without us??"Jaden says."We just suddenly want to eat ice-cream. If you guys want to eat it, let's go and buy it."I say."Do you want to eat again??"Sean asks."No, i'm full.I just go there with them."I says.
"What?? You don't eat with us?? You have to eat. It's a command."Devin says.
"But i'm full. Do you guys want me to become a pig??"
I talk to them."You have to eat with us no matter what."Dylan says."Hey, you can eat with Sean.You can eat one ice-cream together.
Share your ice-cream to your love one."Rose says as she's looking at me with this joking face."Hey, what are you saying?? Oh, i understand what you mean. You want to share your ice-cream with your love one and he's right over there. Jaden, you should eat one ice-cream together with her.She wants to share with her love and it's you."
I says."Ok, i eat with her."he says and smile at Rose.
"Wow, these two..."Julian says. "Let's go on a date, Let's go on a date, Let's go on a date" we all says it. They both are blushing right now. After playing around for a few minutes, We go and buy some ice-cream. Everyone have their own ice-cream except four of us. Rose and Jaden eat one ice-cream together. Sean and I eat one ice-cream together. Jaden carries everything for Rose. They eat ice-cream and hold hand like boyfriend and girlfriend. I love this couple so much. I have to take a picture of them.
"Why are you taking a picture of them??"Sean asks. "Look!! Don't they look like a couple?? They're so sweet.I wish i will find that kind of boyfriend soon." I says.

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