Chapter 36

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I walk through the shore, taking some photos of the views and enjoying my time. I walk and walk and I reach to the place where everyone is playing. I wave at them. I see everyone except Sean and those two girls. I started to feel bad, but I don't know what to do. I wave at them to tell them Goodbye and continue walking. A few steps ahead, I see Sean, sitting alone on the sand. I feel better, but suddenly everything hits me right in my heart. Jenny walks out of nowhere and take a seat beside Sean. I see them talking and laughing and she looks like she's trying to seduce him. I stand there watching them.
She's hugging him. It hurts me so bad. I can't do anything, so I leave. I walk back to our mat, sit there and thinking about what I just saw. Suddenly, there's a voice, calling my name. I look up and it Jaden. "Oh, hey, Jaden." I say. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asks. "I'm good." I say. "I know you're not. Is it because of Sean? I saw him with Jenny." He says and looks me. I know he doesn't want me to hear the last sentence. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you that." He apologizes. "It's okay. I've already saw it." I say and he looks at me worriedly. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I just don't know what else to do. I'm kind of bored." I say and I hope to change the topic. "Come and play with us. We have so much fun." Jaden says. "No, thanks, but I think I will go over there." I say smiling at him and he smiles back.
"Okay, then. I leave first." He says and leave.
I go to the small ice-cream shop nearby and I sit there eating ice-cream peacefully. I look at the window and see Rose walking toward the mat.
I wave at her, but she doesn't see me, so I walk to her. "Hey, Rose" I say waving at her. "Where have you been?" She asks. "Just eat an ice-cream. Want some?" I say. "No time for that. Come with me." She says and drag me to shore. "Wait, let me finish my ice-cream first." I say and she stops. I finish it as fast as I can. After I finish, she drags me again. "Why are you in a hurry?" I ask while running with her. She doesn't say a word. Then she stops. "Look" she saya and points to where Sean and Jenny is. "I know and I saw it a few minutes ago." I say. "Are you okay with it?" She asks. "I'm fine. I just made him upset." I say.
"You what?" She asks surprisingly. "I'll tell you when we go back at the hotel." I ask and she says nothing.
And suddenly, there's splash and the boys are the one who do it. "Hey" I say and they still splash it.
I run away, but the boys pull me into the ocean and I get wet. " hey, I'm wet. You guys have to pay for this." I say running around playing with them.
It's great that they distract me from thinking about him. I play with them for about 30 minutes.
"I'll leave first. I have to go and change my clothes." I say. They nod and continue to play. While I'm walking back to the mat, I see Sean coming toward me. I look at him and he smiles at me, but doesn't say anything. I turn around and see him playing with the boys. I walk to our mat and pick my white-blue long dress to change.
It's nearly 1 o'clock and no one is hungry.
I sit there, playing my guitar until I hear a loud noise. "You're back." I say and put my guitar down.
"We're hungry. Let's go and eat something." Devin says. Okay, but you have to change" I say and the boys start to take off their shirts. They're hotter when they're shirtless. (Imagine seeing them without their shirts. Is it like paradise?)
They change into t-shirt and short. "Let's go. I'm starving." Julian says. "Wait, how about the other two?" I ask. "Who? Jenny and Lani?" Dylan says.
"We should go together. It's our last day together."
I say. "I go find them." Sean says and he just leaves without a word. They all look at me worriedly.
"I'll go with him." Jaden says and run up to him.
"Let's go." I say and the rest of us walk to the nearby restaurant. I sit near the window while no one sit near me. I know they want me to be with Sean, but we just can't, I guess. 10 minutes later, they arrive.
Jaden sits near Rose. Sean sits between me and Jenny. We don't talk much. We just order some dishes and eat because we're pretty hungry.
I don't know what got into Sean, but he seems close to Jenny. And I don't like it. I know he upsets, but he doesn't have to do it.
"What should we do next?" Rose asks. "I've no ideas." Dylan says. "Shall we have some rest first?
You guys just came from swimming." I say and they all agree. After lunch, we go back to the mat and get some rest. Our mat is under the palm tree, so it's not pretty hot at all. All of us are resting, except Jenny and Lani. They want to go around, so we won't force them. I'm glad that Sean doesn't want to go with them.
Jaden sleeps on Rose's lap and Sean sits near me. "Miracle, play some songs for us." Rose says. "Okay" I say and play my guitar. I don't sing just play.
I play about 3 songs and I stop. "What should we do next?" I ask them and I accidentally put my hand on Sean's. He says nothing and I put my hand away.
"I don't know. I just want to spear time together. Anywhere is okay with me." Julian says. And they all agree. "Shall we walk along the coast and then go back to the hotel?" I suggest. "Okay" they say. We prepare everything and we all walk along the coast.
We take a lot of photos. And we leave. I'm in a car with Rose, Jaden, Dylan, while the rest is in other car.
*Our conversation in the car
J : We have a surprise for you
M : what surprise are you going to do?
D : Can't tell
R : Okay, then, but now I wanna know what happens between you two
M : I tell you when we arrive
They all quiet.
We arrive at the hotel and we all go into the boys's room. "We'll enjoy our time together here and we will go out for dinner." Jaden says. "I'm sleepy. I'll have some sleep." Devin says. Most of us are tired because they've been playing the whole morning.
"If you just come back for a sleep, I'll go to my room"Jenny says. "Me, too" Lani says. "If you want see me, come and meet me in my room, Sweetheart" Jenny says looking at Sean and leave. Everyone looks at him. "What??" Sean says and everyone looks away. I stand up and tell everyone that I want to go to my room, but they don't let me. So, I tell them I just go and change and they finally let me go.
I walk into my room and change into my pajamas.
*Nock *Nock
"Who's that?" I ask. "Open the door" he says. "Wait" I say and that voice seems so familiar. I open the door and see Sean standing there. "Can I come in?"
He asks. "What's up?" I say and let him in.
"Why did you push me away when we're at the beach?" He asks looking at him. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do it." I say and I hope he forgives me. He walks toward me and put his hand over me.
"What are you doing?" I ask and my heart beats so fast. "Do what I should have done." He says. I push him away and run away from him, but I slip on the bed. He walks to me. "You can't run away from me"
He says and lean on me. I close my eyes and he kisses me on my forehead. "Idiot" He says and laughs at me. "Come on, let's go" he says and pull me up then We walk to the boys' room together.

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