Chapter 13

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We walk around the city.
There're colorful lights, beautiful night views and we taste some kinds of street food in L.A. I feel much better. I see a stall which sells many kinds of accessories. I run toward this stall and everyone run behind me. I see a star necklace. I really love it.
"It's beautiful. Do you want to buy it??"Sean asks. "No, i just look at it."I say and walk to the other stall. I walk to a stall which sell souvenirs. I walk there alone because everyone is still at that stall. I go back to that stall."Jaden, Are you buying it for someone"I talk to him."I don't know. I think it's beautiful that's why i buy it."He says. They all buy something except me. I don't buy anything.
"Hey, let's go back to the hotel. I can't walk anymore. My feet are hurt."Jenny says with the face that makes people pity her.
"Me, too. My feet are hurt, too."Lani says after Jenny.
They all go and look at Jenny and Lani."Ok, let's go back to the hotel."The boys say."but we can't walk."
Jenny and Lani say which make the boys pity them. "Jump on my back. I will carry you."Sean says which makes my heart fall down. She jumps on his back and she smirks at me.
"Jaden, can you carry me back to the hotel??"Lani asks. "Oh, ok".Jaden says and walk toward her and let her jump on his back.
I can understand Rose's feeling right now. "It's okay. We're gonna be okay. Stay strong."I whisper to her and hold her hand. She smiles at me and I smile back.
I suddenly remember that i promise Rose to buy her something."You guys go to the hotel first. I have something to buy.I will go back after i buy it."I tell them. "Again, you tell us to leave first and then you disappear for nearly one hour. There's no way we let you stay alone again." Devin says and hold my hand as tight as he can.
"Oh, come on. I'm not a kid. I can look after myself. Don't worry."I say and push Devin's hand away."No, we  can't let you go alone. I will go with you."Dylan says.
"I will go with you, too."
Devin says."Ok ok, if you want. Let's go". Rose, Dylan, and Devin go with me. And the other five go back to the hotel. I don't say any single word to Sean even looking at him. I just walk away from him."Rose, be careful." Jaden says with worriedly.
She just nods her head and walk behind me. I'm the first one to walk away from them. I go into a stall which sells many styles of necklaces."Choose one."
I talk to her."Huh??Why??"
She asks me."Remember the necklace that you gave me when i left my family.
I promise to buy you a necklace. You have to choose one."I say and smile at her. She smiles back and she chooses a heart necklace. After i pay for it, we go back to the hotel.
Those two, Devin and Dylan are like our bodyguard.
"I'm really curious about one thing. Why do you ignore Sean??"Dylan says as he looks at me."I don't know."I says."Do you love Sean??"Devin asks. "No, i don't love him."I argue back and try to hide my feeling.

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