Favorite Thing About You/Them (Personality)

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Him: You love his confidence. You love that he is able to hold himself together after everything that happened. But you also love when he depends on you, and trusts you. His confidence makes him who he is, and you would never change that.

You: Tony loves your stubbornness. He thinks it's sexy. Whether it's trying to get him to go to bed, or maybe your just trying to win an arguement, you are soooo stubborn. And he absolutely loves it.

Him: You love his leadership abilities. You think it's amazing how he can deal with the whole team and still be able to stay kind and courageous when they need him to be. It's so amazing.

You: Steve loves your sass. He especially loves when you out-sass Tony. Then it's funny as hell. He also loves when you curse. But don't think that's gonna stop him from telling you to watch your mouth.

Him: You love his flirty side. He only shows it around you, and you love that. You really like when he gives innuendos and 'the smirk'. Oh, you love it so.

You: Bucky loves your forgiving nature. You know he's done awful things, but you don't care. You love him and forgive him for his mistakes. He also loves your musical skills.

Him: You love his genuine kindness. The fact that he is so sweet and caring, melts your heart. His kindness is something so hard to find in today's society, you just love it and him so much.

You: Bruce loves your intelligence. Though your a singer, you try to help him with his experiments as much as possible. And though you claim otherwise, Bruce thinks your very intelligent. Especially when you talk about rock music. Then your intelligence really shows and you can talk forever about it.
Him: You love his protectiveness. Normally, people wouldn't look twice at your scars and bruises, but then Thor did. And then he protected you from getting your ass kicked and took care of you. For that, you thank him everyday. Today, he still protects you from people who would judge you and from going back to being a street-fighter.

You: Thor loves that you're a warrior at heart. He needs someone that can keep up with his constant in-danger lifestyle. Though he doesn't like the way you learned, he loves that you can fight and protect yourself.

Him: You love his bookish nature. You've loved books all your life, and never met a guy who could appreciate that. Until you met Loki. He loved books as much as you did and would never deny an opportunity to go to the library with you.

You: Loki loves your shyness. He thinks it's adorable how his Queen blushes slightly at the smallest of compliments. He also loves how you stutter and become flustered easily.

Him: You love his dorkiness. You think it's sweet how he can make you laugh with bad puns and being a huge dork. You also loves how he fanboys over comics and books. It's so adorable.

You: He loves your laid-back attitude. He thinks it's cool that you can beat him in video games but you don't make a big deal about it. He absolutely adores you when you use your 'spidey-senses' and make him feel better about his day.

Him: You loves his sense of humor. He always makes you laugh and he can always make a serious situation funny.

You: Clint loves your temper. He finds it very, very sexy. He loves when you get mad because your eyes get a dark gleam and your ears turn bright red. And you have this glare that could kill a man. Your temper is his turn-on.

Her: You love her soft side. Natasha has many walls. You're the only one strong enough to break them down. She's only soft to you in private, showing you how much she loves you and cares about you. You love her like that.

You: She loves when you tease. You're not one to tease. You usually leave that to Nat. But when you do, she loves every second of it. You're usually not very confident, but when you are, Nat goes nuts.

Her: You love how romantic she is. She's always so kind and wonderful and sweet. Wanda will try to be romantic and succeed. It always makes your knees weak and your heart melt.

You: Wanda loves your bad girl attitude. She loves how you can intimidate people and be sexy while doing it. She thinks you're gorgeous and is in love with how you can make anything exciting.

Him: You love his caring nature. It always makes you feel better after a bad day. If your smile ever falters, just a bit, he is thinking of ways to make you feel better in milliseconds.

You: Pietro loves your friendliness toward everyone. He thought you were very nice when you first met, and he loved how you spoke nicely to everyone. And he was really happy that you were open and friendly to people.

Him: You loved the way he treated everyone equally. He told you that everyone was equal and just and your heart melted. You loved the respect he showed people and animals.

You: T'Challa loves your green thumb. He thinks it's amazing how you can plant anything and turn it into a beautiful picture of life and color. He thinks it's wonderful.

Him: You love Scott's way with kids. You think it's amazing how he loves Cassie and has an amazing way of caring for her. Seeing them together makes you think of how you are going to have a family with him.

You: Scott loves your creativity. Once, it was raining and Cassie wanted to go to the park. So, you came over to Scott's house and brought paint and a long canvas. You, Cassie, and Scott painted a replica of the park and today it hangs in Cassie's room. Scott loves your paintings and your doodles.
((Sorry. I'm a Scott girl 😍))

Him: You love how athletic he is. He will motivate you to come with him on his runs, but he will NEVER pressure you into exercising. But you also have to limit him. Sometimes he can forget to stop and overwork himself. But, you love him anyway.

You: Sam loves your love of video games. When he found out you were a professional gamer, he was so excited. You loved video games so when you got a new one, you always fangirled. Sam would think it's so adorable. But like him, you need to be limited. He always needs to remember to tell you to stop after 12+ hours of gaming.

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