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👆Aka your life and soul and love of all eternity👆
°°Some of these are from my Daddy Daughter Book, because I think they go really well together. Sorry If they're similar!°°

Tony: Star Wars.
Tony LOVES Star Wars. He would literally buy a lightsaber, if they existed. So, he settled for one of the ones from the movies. You love Star Wars too, but you love quoting the whole "I love you. I know." scene with him a bit more.

Steve: Glee.
You introduced Steve to Glee, and know he's hooked! He loves all of the characters, and *spoilers* you both cried during the Finn/Corey memorial episode.

Bucky: Game of Thrones.
Bucky loves Game of Thrones and so do you. He loves the action and the characters, while you love the books and the plot. You also like to call him "Jon Snow."

Bruce: Doctor Who.
Science. Check. History. Check. Wibbly, wobbly, timey, wimey stuff? Check. You both adore Doctor Who.

Thor: Percy Jackson.
Thor loves learning what mortals thought of the Gods and the mythology behind them. He enjoyed Greek mythology, so it was no surprise that when you showed him your favorite book series, he loved it.

Loki: Once Upon A Time.
Loki liked stories with ever-growing plot. That's why he loved Once Upon A Time. He loved all of the twists and turns and all if the drama and comedy. His favorite character is Hook, btw.

Peter: Sailor Moon.
Why do you think you guys are best friends? You guys have loved Sailor Moon since you were little, and it's one of the reasons you're best friends!

Clint: Lord of the Rings.
(Didn't see that one coming, huh? ;)) Clint really likes Lord of the Rings. You love it. You've read all of the books and seen all of the movies. His by far favorite is Legolas.

Natasha: Divergent.
Natasha really loves Divergent. She thinks that Tris is her favorite, because she's a strong female character that can kick ass.

Wanda: Harry Potter.
Okay, so Wanda literally wants to name your child Hermione. Or Luna. She loves it so much. Her house is Ravenclaw and was so upset/competitive when you told her that you were a Slytherin.

Pietro: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
It's quite funny actually, that the fastest man in the world has a love over 4 turtles. You couldn't blame him, though. You grew up with the turtles and you loved them as much as he did.

T'Challa: Supernatural.
T'Challa loves Supernatural. He really loved it when you topd him that he reminded you of Castiel.

Scott: Disney.
With a daughter, it was hard for Scott to not love Disney. Not that you minded, of course. You loved Disney as much as the next girl. His favorite movie is Tangled, while your's is Atlantis.

Sam: Stranger Things.
You and Sam are Stranger Things TRASH. You both love it so much and basically spent summer binge-watching it. You are still waiting for season two.

A/N: I really want to make the wedding scenarios. But is it too early to make them? What do you guys think? Should I make them or just wait? I am feeling much better, btw! Thank you for hoping for the best!

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