When Life Brings You Down...

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Tony brings you chocolate and flowers, simple and old fashioned. He knows that money won't bring you happiness, so he tries to keep it simple for you. He'll begin to cuddle with you, holding you in his arms and making you feel loved and welcomed.

Steve will hold you. He'll bring you close to him and hug you, which soon leads to cuddling. He'll tell you stories about the war and his times during the 40's. He'll want you to feel better about whatever you're going through, and try to help as much as possible.

Bucky will make you feel loved. He'll do sweet little gestures of kindness, like make you breakfast in bed and write sweet notes to you, all because he knows how you're feeling. He knows what its like to feel sad and alone. He would never want you to feel the way he did all those years ago.

Bruce will be the first one by your side. He will comfort you in the only ways he knows how. He'll read to you, bring you choclate, and make you feel just loved and happy.

Thor won't understand your sadness at first, but will still do anything to see you smile again. He'll try to make you sweets and such, but when that doesn't work, you guys will have a simple cuddle session to help ease your pain.

Loki will feel awful that you're in pain, emotionally or physically. He will do everything in his power to destroy what is making you sad and upset. But, when all is said and done, he will hold you close and kiss you and all around make you feel special.

Peter will notice something's up when you don't come to school one day. He'll come to your house and see you crawled up in bed. He won't say anything, but he will crawl in bed with you, and hold you and let you talk about everything that is bothering you.

Clint will put on calming music and fix you coffee and give you warm blankets. He'll wrap you up in them and kiss your forehead. He'll make sure you're taken care of and that you are feeling absolutely loved.

Natasha won't initially know what to do. She had never really had to face this sort of thing in the Red Room, mostly because it was considered a sign of weakness. But she does know one thing, she is going to be there for you, and support you, and make you feel wonderful.

Wanda, facing her own sadness from time to time, knew what to do to help you with yours. She would bring you close and wrap you tight in her arms in a warm embrace and will make you feel like you belong. She will help you feel better and cared for, and will put your needs before her own.

Pietro will bring you anything you want. Cookies fresh from the bakery at your hometown? He's got them. Bath bombs and coffee? He's got them. He wants you to know that he's there. He will always be there for you.

T'Challa will bring you to the gardens, if you're not already there yourself. He will show you all of the beautiful wildlife and plants, and then will cuddle with you in the royal palace. He needs you to know that he is here for you, even if he is off doing his kingly duties.

Scott will try to make you laugh. He knows that you love to laugh, and during this time you really need to. He wants to see that smile of yours and be the reason why you are smiling. He wants you to feel happy and cared for.

Sam will take you out. He'll take you somewhere nice, like your favorite restaurant or a beautiful park. But during that process, he'll give you little reminders of how great you are and how beautiful you are.

Stephen will talk to you. Not a nosy, pushy way. But a calm, understanding way. The talk could be about anything; your sadness, why you feel sad, but sometimes he'll discuss more philosophical topics. He wants you to know that he will be here to talk, whenever you need it.

This is for the people struggling with sadness and depression right now. For the people that feel like they don't matter and that they don't have a voice. Listen to me. You have a voice. You do matter. Everyone reading this right now matters to someone. Now, I'm not one to talk. I'm not really in a good place in my life right now either. A couple of years ago, my parents started fighting more and more. Soon after, my grandfather died. I was so close to my grandfather, that I didn't know what to do. He had been a special person to me. Soon later, a family friend died that I was also close to. Then my oldest dog died, then recently my other dog died, and finally all of the drama between my so called "best friend". Just with everything going on, it just seems to keep piling more and more. I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm complaining, because I know that there are people out there that have it a lot worse than me. And for that, this chapter is dedicated to you. The people that are hurting and suffering. For those of you that want support, but don't know where or how to get it. This chapter is for you. I love you all so much. Thank you,

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