Joy {Part Two}

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Thor: His favorite memory is when you took him to the mall. There were so many new things to him and he loved every second of it. Of course by the end of the day you were really tired, but he still wanted to walk around. So you brought him to the food court and you both ate fro-yo. Then, when he saw how tired you were, you guys went home and cuddled. Pretty good day.👌

Your happiest memory is when he brought you to Asgard. Now, you are not a people person. Like, at all. But you still went to make him happy. And you're glad you went. You became best friends with Lady Sif and Loki. Fandral hit on you, but Thor kinda scared him off. And so did you.

Loki: His happiest memory is when he realized he loved you. He knew he made mistakes. He knew he was awful sometimes. He realized he loved you when you first met his mother. He and you had a long discussion with her about how he was going to make you happy and how you were going to make him happy. It was pretty cute.

Your happiest memory is when he called you 'My Queen' for the first time. It was a sign that he really loved you and that he really wanted to be with you.

Peter: His happiest memory is when you told him you and Flash Thompson broke up. This was when you and him were 'just friends' and you had been dating Flash for about 2 months. He hated that you were dating him, but Flash did stop bullying him. When you giys broke up, he knew he was gonna get bullied again but he was too glad to care.

Your favorite memory is when he brought home a cat. It was soft and fluffy and adorable. Of course you guys kept it, and you named it after your two best friends. Marylicia. ((Felicia Hardy and Mary-Jane Watson.))

Clint: His happiest memory was the day you threw him a surprise party. You knew he didn't really like surprises, but dammit you were gonna be a good girlfriend. He was so surprised and happy, later that night you guys had some real fun and surprises.

Your favorite memory is the day he bought you a promise ring. It was a size too small and the gemstone was your least favorite color, but you still loved the thought and care he put into it. It was also really funny to watch his expressions change.

Natasha: Her favorite memory is when you guys made out for the first time. Nat isn't really an emotionally open person, but for you she is. So to open up to you like that, really made her happy.

Your most joyful memory is the day she told you her backstory. She really trusted and opened up to you. Let's just say there were a lot of tears, hugs, kisses, and 'i love yous'. It was really cute.

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