what reminds you of them

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Tony: long sleepless nights. the smell of roses. the taste of alcohol. long, hot showers. hugging teddy bears. listening to ac/dc. feeling the hem of your shirt between your fingers.

Steve: petting golden retrievers. watching old cartoons. the sound of the ocean. dancing to classical music. old spice cologne. church bells ringing in the distance.

Bucky: watching the snow fall. listening to rain pitter-patter against the window. seeing antique cars drive by. drinking got chocolate by the fire. low whispers in a quiet room.

Bruce: science fiction movies. the smell of vanilla candles. strumming guitar strings. the sound of piano keys. calming down. bubble baths. stuffed animals.

Thor: abba music. fancy architecture. the stars in the sky. skating around the room in your socks. tickle fights. the smell of burning wood. the taste of chocolate chip cookies. cooking exotic foods.

Loki: reading on the couch. the smell of sage. drinking tea. scurrying through the library before it closes. fairy lights above the bed. succulent plants. wine tasting.

Peter: late night study sessions. listening to nostalgic music. taking notes in class. color coordinating. yelling song lyrics at the top of your lungs. eating italian food. coloring outside of the lines.

Clint: listening to birds chirp their songs. the smell of smoke. smoothing down your shirt. blaring music throughout the tower. finding comfort in small gestures. the taste of coffee. the feeling of clean sheets.

Natasha: watching ballet. singing softly under your breath. trying on dresses at the mall. listening to empowering speeches. sharing clothes. the taste of cherries. listening to lana del rey.

Wanda: hearing russian phrases. eating chocolate covered strawberries. putting on lipstick. going swimming at midnight. petting cats. re-reading harry potter

Pietro: laughing hard. not being able to sit still. walking through ikea and making jokes. getting ready to go somewhere fancy. laying down in bed. going to parties. watching action movies. trying on new shoes.

T'Challa: wearing nice jewelry. taking photographs of nature. the smell of fresh cut grass. running across fields. drinking champagne. listening to kendrick lamar. burning candles. elegant chandeliers. multiple rings.

Scott: dancing around the house. eating ice cream. wearing pins. vinyl records. the smell of mint. amusement parks. karaoke bars. 'save the bees' posters. fond smiles. watching tangled.

Sam: listening to 90's rap. watching birds fly across the sky. running. playing video games. sarcastic remarks. the color red. drinking beer. laughing until you feel like your sides are splitting. yelling "on your left" to random strangers.

Stephen: buzzfeed quizzes. drinking herbal tea. hospital scrubs. tracing hands. thinking of witty comebacks. practicing magic. playing board games. optical illusions. making doctor jokes. listening to the wicked soundtrack.

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