Joy {Part One}

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Bascially good memories they/you have of you/them. I was inspired by Inside Out (I really like that movie.) Feedback is welcome (I might do this with the other emotions: Anger, Fear, Disgust, Sadness).

His most joyful memory of you two is the time when he accidentally saw you naked ((A/N: I Know, I Know. XD)). You had been so nervous to show off your body. You're an actress, so you're used to being in tight costumes or short skirts, but you'd always been self-conscious. Especially with Tony. He had been with super models, famous athletes, and anyone with a nice body and face. He knew about your insecurity, and would always try to get you to show off your body. The day he'd walken in on you was a day after you had shot a big action scene for a superhero movie. You were tired and sweaty and smelly. You'd taken a nice long shower and forgotten that Tony was coming home from a mission. You'd forgotten your towel in the room, and after you walked out to get it. What you didn't know was Tony was waiting on the bed for you, only tp get surprised with your naked body. Long story short, Tony was happy and horny the rest of the day.

Your most joyful memory was when you guys slept in the same bed for the first time. You knew about his nightmares and his insomnia, so you were determined to get him to have one peaceful night of sleep. And you most certainly did. And you also did many more times afterword, keeping your promise.

Steve: His happiest memory was the day your book was published. You were so happy and so excited. People bought your book and some asked you to sign theirs. He loved the smile on your face and the way your eyes lit up every time someone bought a book. He'll never forget that day.

Your happiest memory is the day he came home 2 weeks early from a mission. You were both crying happy tears and giving each other kisses. Then both of you watched Disney movies while cuddling. It was a really good day.

Bucky: His happiest memory was the day you told him you loved him. You were on a date at the animal shelter and you guys were playing with a three-legged golden retriever puppy. Then you looked at him with a giant smile and told him that you loved him. He was so happy he almost cried. (You then adopted the puppy, giving it the lovely name of 'Punk')

Your happiest memory was the day you guys went to his old house. He showed you around and held your hand extra tight when some of his memories came back. You guys found his parents room and he found his mom's old dresses. He immediately made you try them on and you looked amazing. Then he put on 40's music and danced with you.

Bruce: His happiest memory was the day you sang him to sleep. He loves your voice, and especially when you sang. He found it soothing. So one day, he was stressing out majorly. He thought he was going to 'Hulk out' until you came. You entered the lab, slowly. You stood infront of where he was sitting and got on your knees so you were eye level. You took off his glasses, and ruffled his hair a bit. You stood up and grabbed his hand, and brought him to your shared room. You sat down and laid him down so his head was in your lap. You stroked his head and sang a lullaby that put him to sleep. He loves that memory.

Your favorite memory is when he asked you to dance at one of Tony's party. Though you and your band are mostly entertainment at Tony's parties, he got a DJ to give you a break. There was a slow song on and everyone was dancing to it. Except you and Bruce. You knew he liked PDA at the minimum, and you weren't the best dancer. It surprised you when he stood up and asked you to dance. You'll remember it forever.

Gahh... Only four?? Well it's really late where I am, and I just really needed to update. Also, pic of me cause I want to ruin your eye balls

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