15. Disappointment

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"Where is he?" I called August's phone for the third time and it went straight to voicemail again.

"Maybe he's still sleeping Justine."

"At one in the afternoon? No he knew he was supposed to be here by now."

Shaun came back and sighed. "He wasn't in his room."

I smacked my lips and shrugged. "I'm just going to kill him when I see him. I told him to be on time."

Shaun shook his head. "This nigga really trippin'."

I nodded. "Yeah he is."

"Man he been trippin' these last couple days actually."

I rolled my eyes. "I know and I haven't talked to his since we got into an argument. He caught an attitude for god knows what."

Remi sighed. "Come on Jus let's just go. You only had me as a model before so you should be ok."

I took a deep breath and nodded. "Yea let's go. But when I see him best believe I'm gonna kill him."

We got in the car and left. I'm so burnt up right now. I haven't talked to him since he got mad the other day and now he pulls this shit. I nodded my head and laughed to myself. Best believe I got him.


We pulled up to my house and got out. I grabbed my things and unlocked the door. Remi and Shaun went in before me then I locked the door.

"Ok guys we can chill for a minute before we get started. My nerves too bad right now."

"Where you going sis?"

I sighed. "To the backyard I'll be back."

I went out back and sat in one of my lawn chairs. I've always liked this backyard because it's so relaxing. And right now relaxed is what I was trying to be. August just made what was supposed to be a great day terrible for me.

Photography was a huge part of my life. Ever since elementary school I've loved to take pictures of things that caught my eye or anything really. August knows my passion for this and for him to not be here right now says a lot.

I still don't understand why he got mad and left like that. I know it couldn't be because I was going to the movies with Jackson. That just doesn't make sense. I mean I know he wasn't jealous because he doesn't feel for me that way.

Well I don't know if he does but I seriously doubt it. But he treats me differently than he treats his own girlfriend. Maybe it's just because I'm his bestfriend and he's known me longer. I'm not sure.

Maybe he got mad because he doesn't like Jackson. But Jackson's a great friend. We had so much fun at the movies. After the movie we went to the arcade room for a few minutes and then went out to eat.

I honestly had a great time. And like I said he didn't try anything at all. We went as friends and that's all.

"You ok out here?"

I turned around and looked at Remi. "Yea I'm fine." I stood up. "You ready to start?"

She nodded and smiled. "Yea let me go get dressed!"

I laughed at how quickly she ran back inside before going in myself. I went to the basement door and unlocked it. Down here is where I have my photo shoots. I mostly take pictures of family and friends when they want them but other than that I've only had a couple paying customers since I've been here.

I don't like too many people knowing where I stay which is why I'm gonna get my studio when I'm done with college. I flicked the lights on and smiled. "I missed you babies."

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