35. Childish

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"Baybeh wake up."

I cleared my throat a bit and groaned. "Hm."


"August it's dark. Which means it's the middle of the night or way too early in the morning."

"Bae I'm hurtin'."

I slowly sat up and moved my hair out of my face. I turned the lamp on and looked over at him.

"What's wrong?"

He sat up with an uncomfortable look on his face.

"Give me ya hand."

I laughed and he took my hand putting it on his stiff member. "Rub it for me."


"Not like that. Just rub it fa' me. It hurt for real."

I rubbed him watching him take deep breaths.

"How long have you been up?"

"Bout ten minutes. I woke up wit it and it don't want to go down."

I pouted. "My poor stink."

He closed his eyes and chuckled. "Who da fuck is dat?"

"You duh."

All he did was laugh with his eyes still closed.

"Were you dreaming about something?"

He opened one eye and looked over at me.

"You want me to tell you or show you?"

I laughed. "Neither will be fine."

He chuckled before taking a deep breath and closing his eye again.

"Going back to sleep on me?"


"Well wake up. You woke me up."

"Lay back down wit me. Just keep rubbin."

I laughed. "You're a mess."

I laid on his chest and continued to rub him.

"Gimme kiss."

I lifted up and pecked his lips twice. "Goodnight."

"Night lah baybeh."

After a minute he drifted off again and I was soon right behind him.



"Ok guys let's go this way next." Avy said pointin' at the store to the left.

I chuckled but we still followed behind ha. We let ha choose ha favorite stores to go in first. Since she always go to ha favorite store in hea she mostly knew whea to go wit a lah help from ha mama.

We was in the middle of findin somethin to wea for Christmas and doing a lil' bit of last minute shoppin'.

"Wherever you want Aves."

I grabbed Skye hand squeezin it a lil. She smiled at me and I winked at ha.

"No bruh. We need food. No."

I laughed at Shaun as he saw we was goin into anotha' clothin store.

"Ain't nobody said we had to stay togetha' Shaun." I told him ova' my shoulda'.

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