20. Bad Moods And Conflicts

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••2 weeks later••


Thanksgiving break was finally coming up and I couldn't be more thankful. I was more than ready to go and be with my family for a while and get away from the familiar faces at this place.

Then on top of that it's my dad's birthday in a couple days so I'm already a little down because of that. I miss him like crazy and I'd give anything to have him back. It took me forever to accept the fact that he was really gone.

Every year when his birthday or the day he died comes around I'm just in the worst mood ever. Nothing can cheer me up at all.

"Jus how about we go watch a movie or something back in my dorm?"

I shrugged. "Yea ok. Let me throw my trash away."

She nodded and I stood up walking to the trash can. On my way there I spotted Ashley and her friend Nicole next to it. I turned to go to another one but I heard her say my name.

"That bitch. She tried to tell Ant I was cheating on him and I didn't know who my baby is for. At least I wasn't pregnant at 17."

I looked back at her but took a deep breath. She isn't worth it Justine. Don't worry about her.

"She looking back like she's gonna do something. What Justine are you mad because you know your daughter is going to be just as dumb and hot in the pants as you?"

I slowly turned around facing her and sat my trash down on a table. "What you said?"

She smirked. "You heard me. You're a hoe and your daughter will be too. And if by any chance she looks like you I feel bad for her."

I laughed and shook my head. "Look I'm really not in the mood today so unless you wanna be laid out on the floor I suggest you shut up."

She stepped closer to me with her arms folded. "You know you won't try me. I'll tell August."

I scrunched up my face. "Girl ain't nobody worried about no damn August so go somewhere with that please."

"Whatever. Fuck you and your annoying ass daughter."

"Bitch you don't even know my child so stop it."

She laughed and stared me right in the eyes. "Oh you would be surprised what I know hun."

I could feel my eye twitch and the anger seeping through my pores. My hands started shaking and I already knew what was about to happen. I couldn't hold it anymore.

Next thing I know I punched her in her face causing her to stumble back. I hit her again making her hit the floor. That didn't stop me because I kept hitting her in her face making sure not to hit anything else.

I don't want to be the one to kill her baby. No matter how much I can't stand her I would never hurt an innocent baby.

Seconds later I was being pulled away from her but I still put up a fight. I wasn't about to let her get away that easy. I gripped her hair and refused to let go. All I see is red right now completely satisfied with the sight of her blood on my hands. I don't usually pull hair but I'm about to wear this hoe out.

Once they finally got me to let go I threw her stale ass weave at her.

She laid on the floor and touched the blood dripping from her busted nose. "Bitch!" She cried out. She could barely keep her head up.

"I don't ever wanna hear you talking about my daughter again you stupid ass bitch. You don't know her or me so shut the hell up you dumb ass hoe! Fyah fi u yuh bowcyat mi wi kill yuh!" I yelled speaking Jamaican.

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