41. Cookies n' Cream

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"Say. Just cause niggas know y'all together now don't mean y'all gotta be extra."

I broke away from Ant's kiss and looked at Shaun as he sat down at our booth in the cafe.

"If I wanna kiss on my girl ima do dat. Mind ya bidness."

I laughed and sipped my lemonade before checking my phone. Avy has gotten a cough and Derrick brought her to the doctor yesterday because she wasn't feeling well. He told me he would take care of it but I couldn't help but feel bad for not being there especially since this is the first time she's been with him in a while.

So I was constantly checking my phone every few minutes waiting for any info about her well being. I know it might not be to serious but you can never be too sure.

Seeing that I had no messages I put my phone away and laid my head on Ant's shoulder while he and Shaun talked. It's been two hours since I heard anything and he said he would call which he didn't do of course. Typical Derrick.

I just missed my baby so much. It seems like I can never spend enough time with her no matter how long she's with me. Thank god the semester is over in a short two months.

Speaking of, I was so close to landing a paying internship with that photography business called Imagination Studios, I could almost taste it. Things have been going well for me and I was grateful and proud to have come this far.

Hearing my phone ding pulled me from my thoughts. Quickly sitting up and grabbing my phone I was glad to see a message from Shaun.

"About time." I mumbled opening it.

"Who text you waiting for like that? My mans right here."

Rolling my eyes at Shaun I read the text. "It's Derrick."

Avy doing fine they prescribed her some medicine and she sleep rn. -2:12pm

Ok thank you. Kiss her for me and tell her I love her for me. -2:12pm

Aight I gotchu. Ima have her call when she wake up -2:13pm

Ok -2:13pm

Sighing in relief, I put my phone away. When I looked up Shaun and Ant were both looking at me.

I raised my eyebrows looking between them. "What?"

"Fuck you texting him for?"

I glared at Ant. "Because he's Avy's dad and she's with him. You think I would talk to him for anything else not pertaining her?"

He shrugged. "Ion know."

I sat there looking at him with a very evident scowl on my face. "Ok so I see you're in a mood. I'm about to go I have to finish my essay. Bye instigating ass Shaun." Standing up I grabbed my book bag. "Call me when you figure this out babe. Ok?" I kissed his cheek and headed for the door.

August always wanna be salty when it comes to Derrick. He knows I have to communicate with him because he's the father of my daughter. It's not like I'm sitting here talking to the dude about how my day is going or something.

I barely even consider Derrick a friend anymore. I just don't understand why he can just be mature enough for one second to realize that whether he likes it or not Derrick will be around for a while. Unless Avy decides otherwise, which she is too young to do right now.

Letting out a deep breath I went to grab my keys from my bag since I was close to my dorm. After finding them quickly I jingled them a bit out of excitement. I never find my keys that easily.

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