32. Lust

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Shoutout to @Shania-jones who has been showing her love for my story nonstop since day one! I see you and thanks for all your support, I really appreciate it.💖

⚠️Warning!! ⚠️Excuse me readers, things get a little hot and heavy this chapter. Hence the title 'Lust'. I know y'all gon read it anyways cause some of y'all was waiting for some action but remember I said a little hot and heavy not a lot so don't be mad at me.😁

"How about some more shots!" I said over the loud music. I stood up and made my way to the bar.

"Excuse me!"

"How can I help you beautiful?" The bartender asked me with a smile.

My eyebrows shot up and I smiled back. "Can I get 2 rounds of eight. Henessey."

"Sure thing love. I'll have them brought over to you."

I nodded. "Ok thanks. Hey are you from here because you don't sound like it?"

He shook his head and continued getting the shot glasses ready. "No I just moved out here from Philadelphia."

"Hm. Well that's a big move don't you think?"

He nodded and chuckled. "Yes a really big move. But I've wanted to live here since my family and I vacationed out here when I was younger so here I am."

I smiled. "Well that's nice and you made a nice choice. It's beautiful out here."

"Yeah it is. But what about you where are you from?" He asked leaning on the counter a little.

"Actually I'm from here. I've lived in Washington D. C. For a few years then in New Orleans since I was about 12 though. But I'm currently living in Florida for college."

"Wow. Your family likes to move around then huh?"

"Yes you can say that. It's just me and my mom and daughter though. My dad passed when I was 11. That's why we moved to Louisiana."

"Sorry to here that."

"It's fine. Well I guess I'll get back. See you later."

He nodded. "See you later beautiful."

I waved and went back over to my table. The shots had already been sent and my four were sitting on the table.

"What took you so long girl?"

I threw a couple shots back before answering. "I was talking to the bartender."

She smiled. "Well then."

I shook my head. "It's not like that at all trust me."

I looked over at Ant who was watching me already while taking a long drag from his blunt. He always stares at me so I've become accustomed to it. I downed the rest of my shots and focused on the stripper in front of us. Yea we were at the strip club. It was one of the best in Jamaica so we had to come. We decided to come here instead of a regular club.

By now my drinks have kicked in and I feel great. The music was great drinks were flowing and the women-. My god the women. They were so fine. I haven't been to a strip club in forever so when's a better time than now to go to one. I was in the middle of throwing some money at Coco when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up to see my old friend Jasmin. I've known Jasmin since we were kids. We used to live across the street from each other and would play together all the time. Even after I moved I still would see her during the summer and we'd do something.

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