31. Vacation

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••Christmas Break••

"Yes bitch! Two whole fucking weeks out? That's a blessing from God."

I laugh at how over dramatic she's being. "Rem we have two weeks for Christmas break every year. This is nothing new."

"I know but I'm still happy." She said spinning in my chair. "Man I really can't wait to get to Jamaica though."

Yes we were going to Jamaica for Christmas break. Remi, Shaun, August and myself will be spending the first week there and then go home for the second week for Christmas Day.

Then the next few days before Christmas will be spent visiting each other's families.

"I can't wait either I've been tweaking to just up and leave everything behind."

"Well now we can go together and you can show us around. And you can show me where all the fine island boys are."

"What about island boys?" Shaun said walking in with Ant behind him. "Fuck around and get beat up if you want to."

Remi's face got red and she tried to give him an innocent smile. "I was just joking babe. Issa joke."

He side eyes her. "Uh huh. Issa ass whoopin' keep it up."

Ant came and sat on my bed. "Wassup brown suga'."

I rolled my eyes but smiled nonetheless. "I thought I told you to stop calling me that."

"You did and I choose not to listen."

Let me tell you, things have been much better since we August and I made up. A few times we've gotten a little close and shared a few kisses here and there. We aren't together though.

We're just going where ever the wind takes us at this point. Shaun and Remi don't know this of course. If they did both would blow it way out of proportion and say how we might as well make it official.

Or how we should stop playing games and yada yada ya. I mentally roll my eyes at the thought. We're going at our own pace and I'm fine with that. If we decide to take things further than so be it.

"You never listen to what I say anyways so."

He chuckled and shrugged. "Can't argue wit dat."

I laughed. "Ass wipe."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What you just call me?"

"An ass wipe. Can you not hear?"

"You know I don't appreciate you using this kind of language especially towards me."

I shrugged. "Well that's too bad. Isn't it?"

"Keep playin' wit me if you want. Ima show you, just wait."

I rolled my eyes. "Right." I said dragging the word out.

"Roll em one more time."

I was about to reply when Remi called me.

"We'll be right back. Shaun retarded ass forgot his phone in his room. Once we come back we can go."

I nodded and zipped my suit case after putting some last minute things in there while talking to August. "Ok that's fine."

They quickly leave my room and I sit my suit case next to the others on the floor. Our flight leaves for 2 and it's 11:48 so we still have a minute before we have to leave for the airport.

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