43. New Job, Who dis?

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••Monday Morning••

"Bae you got this. Just relax."

"You're right I'm just nervous. Do I look ok?"

He chuckled. "For the hundredth time you look amazing. You might have to let me undress you lata' Mrs. Alsina."

I smiled. "Babe stop. Is the shirt too revealing?"

"Justine no. You look perfect. Stop doubting yourself. You been plannin' dis damn outfit for the last week. You know you look good and you know you got dis. Just breath."

Taking a deep breath I nodded allowing myself to calm down a bit. "Ok babe."

"You good?"

I nodded again. "Mhm."

"Aight good. Now get yo sexy ass to work and make my money."

"August." I stale faced him.

"I'm playing babe." He said before laughing.

I smacked my lips and laughed a little. "Alright let me go baby. I love you and I'll see you once I get back."

"Alright text me when you make it."

"I will."

"Aight I love you gorgeous."

I blew him a kiss before hanging up our FaceTime call.

Looking in the mirror one more time I smiled and nodded in approval.

I do look pretty good.

Grabbing my bag and my phone and headed out for my first day.


Walking up to the receptionists desk I smiled politely. "Excuse me, I'm Justine Skye. It's my first day working here. Could you direct me towards Ms. Peters office?"

"Welcome Justine, let me just tell her you're here."

"Thank you." I said with a nod.

She picked up the desk phone and pressed one number. "Danielle Ms. Skye is here. Should I send her up?" She nodded. "No problem she'll be there shortly."

With a smile she handed me a card. "This will get you into the elevator. Take it to the 49th floor and walk straight to the double doors past the assistant's desk. That's her office. She said to walk right in."

"Ok thank you."

"No problem good luck on your first day."

I smiled before heading to the elevator.

The 49th floor? Jesus. I didn't even know there were this many floors.

Scanning the card over the red light, it turned green and I pressed the up button.

The ding it made a couple seconds later let me know it was opening.

I got in and pressed the floor number while anxiously waiting to reach it. I didn't know why I was so nervous. I know I have this in the bag but I just want to make a good first impression.

Finally making it up, the doors opened and straight ahead I saw the double doors. I walked past the empty assistant desk and walked right in like I was told.

There behind the desk sat a beautiful brown woman with shoulder length burgundy hair. She looked to be in her late 20's if not early 30's.

As I walked in Ms. Peters smiled at me and hung up her phone. "Hi, Justine. May I call you Justine?"

I smiled and walked further into her office. "Yes. Hi how are you today?"

"I'm fine dear. I was waiting for you to get here. I've been a little excited since I've seen your work a couple weeks ago."

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